

We are pleased to announce that version 12.06.08 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today. This release includes important fixes to Cost and Invoice Reports and a number of other enhancements.

Cost and Invoice Reports

  • 1000+ Documents. We’ve improved report performance so that vendor management can handle 1000+ documents in a single report.

Document List

  • Task List, All Filter. To help linguists find regularly updated documents, we have re-added the All option to the Status filter on the task list.
  • Document Metadata, Document Category. We added a Category field to the document metadata listed on the Document Settings page.
  • Document Metadata, Duplicate Field. We removed a duplicate field (Source URL) from the Document Metadata screen.
  • Update Due Date, Bulk Options. Document due dates can be updated in bulk on the document, task, or phase level.
  • Due Date Selector. We fixed a bug that caused the Due Date selector to throw an error.
  • Document Settings Tab. For clarity, we changed the name of a field on the Document Settings tab. Due Reason has been changed to Reason for Date Modification.

  • Edit Target. The Save button on the Edit Target modal (accessible on the Targets page) now works properly.

Document Download

  • Download Target. Download Target as XLIFF is now working properly.

  • Relevant Targets. Rather than displaying all target languages in the project, the Download Document dialog now displays only the targets relevant to the selected documents.
  • Download Source. Downloading a source file works as expected.


  • Save Custom Phase. We resolved an issue that prevented project managers from saving custom workflow phases.


  • Character Counts. To assist the linguist, the workbench now lists the number of characters in each segment.
  • Settings Icon. We've repaired the Settings (gear) icon so that it opens properly.
  • Display Video Time Stamps. To simplify translation for video subtitles, we’ve enhanced the .srt filter to automatically display each segment's time stamp in the Workbench as a segment note.


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