Laura White (Unlicensed)
Nick Ramond (Unlicensed)
Larry Furr (Unlicensed)
Owned by Laura White (Unlicensed)
We are pleased to announce that version 12.8.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today. With this release, project managers will be able to estimate translation costs with tools on the Document and Target tabs. This release also includes a number of enhancements to the Vendor Management App.
Vendor Management Updates
These enhancements are available in the new Vendor Management app. Click here for more details.
Cost Estimates
- Document Cost Estimates. To help project managers estimate costs for translation, we've added an Amount column to the Document and Target views.
Tip: This feature is available for users of the Vendor Management app.
- Report Performance. Behind the scenes, we’ve improved performance to reduce the amount of time a report is “In Progress.”
- Search. We’ve improved the Search feature for Cost and Invoice Reports.
- CSV Download. Cost and Invoice Reports can now be downloaded as CSV files.
- Dynamic Column Suppression. The Invoice Report now dynamically excludes columns related to phases which are not assigned to the LSP that is running the report. Previously, these columns were included, but displayed blank cells. Whereas now these columns are suppressed entirely.
General Enhancements
- Locale Appended to Leverage Reports. The target language now automatically appends to the leverage report name when TM is leveraged via a workflow.
- Partial Hours for Custom Phases. The UI for the Hours Worked dialog now informs users that partial hours can be entered as decimal amounts (e.g. 15 minutes is ".25" hours worked).
- Download Finalized Targets. Finalized Files can now be successfully downloaded from the Targets tab.
- Vendors Can Service Multiple Clients. The Vendor Management app now allows vendors to provide services to multiple clients. (For example, if a vendor has more than one client, those clients can be selected from a menu when creating a rate chart).
- Edit Vendor Names. Within the Vendor Management app, we’ve added the ability to edit a Vendor’s name.
- Search for Contacts. Now search for vendors by not only name, but also by email address or phone number.
Rate Charts
- Performance. We’ve improved the rate chart editing tool to better handle rate charts with multiple languages.
- Character Limit. To keep rate chart titles from being too long, we’ve added a character limit for rate chart titles (250 characters) and a warning message to alert the user.
- Duplicate Message. When editing a rate chart, an error message no longer displays if the rate chart name remains unchanged.
- Hover Icon. We’ve added a hover icon to make it more obvious that a rate chart row is editable.
- Rounding. For more accurate rates while generating quotes, we round figures at the end (rather than any other point) of a calculation.
Rate Charts - Languages and Locales
- Relevant Locale Display. Once a language is selected, only locales relevant to that language display in the Locales drop down.
- Language Selector. The language selector on the rate chart language now defaults to “Any Language” (rather than the last language selected).
- Language Display. When a row is deleted from a rate chart, all other languages and locales continue to display.
- Locales No Longer Persist. Once Specify Locales is unchecked, previously selected locales no longer persist on the rate chart.
- Deselecting Specify Locales. After deselecting the Specify Locales checkbox, TM Rates now update as expected.
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