


Enterprise offers wide support for integrating with popular tools for hosting translatable content.  Using prewritten connectors, you can easily integrate translations into your application in a few steps. 

You can also integrate your own content repository or create custom document workflows with Enterprise using our restful API.

Each prewritten connector is designed to complement the flow of content creation or update of its respective application.  For example, Enterprise’s WordPress connector is implemented as a WordPress plugin, while Enterprise’s Drupal connector is implemented as a Drupal module.  These are software-based extensions to WordPress and Drupal, respectively, where the Enterprise-specific connector code is installed onto the same host that runs the WordPress or Drupal website.  Other connectors interact with third-party-hosted applications, such as Atlassian Confluence and Salesforce; so these connectors are Enterprise-hosted tools that communicate with those applications to provide translation capability.

The goal of Enterprise connectors is to improve the speed and reliability of the translation process.  Many of the features and tools contained in connectors are designed to automate what are often tedious manual processes. For example, many of the connectors use Enterprise’s External Translation Profiles model for automating the assignment of translation jobs to projects, selecting target languages, and more.

Available Connectors


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