

We are pleased to announce that version 12.18.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.

Translation Management System

UI Enhancements

  • Our Translation Management System has been given a new look and feel to make the displayed information more intuitive and easier to use. The changes have not affected how users navigate in the TMS. Changes include: 
    • Flattening 3D buttons
    • Removing gradients
    • Alternating colors on table rows
    • Increasing the height of table rows

Deleting Documents

  • When a user deletes documents, the system indicates that the deletion is in progress. 
  • When documents have finished deleting, the system provides feedback to notify the user that the selected documents have been deleted.

Vendor Project Manager

  • We have added a new Vendor Project Manager (Vendor PM) role in the TMS. The difference between a regular Project Manager (Full PM) and a Vendor PM, is that Vendor PMs have reduced access to certain project management features (e.g. unable to add projects or view/edit workflows) and restricted data visibility within certain project management features (e.g. Teams, Contacts, Reports). Note that the Vendor PM role is only available for granting to community members whose default organization is different than the community's organization. 

Workbench/In-Context Workbench


  • An error that prevented a complete list of Glossary matches to be displayed in the Workbench has been resolved. 

Translation Memory

  • We resolved a defect that prevented the most recent Exact Match 100% from displaying in a Translation Memory search from the Workbench. This error did not affect leveraging the most recent Exact Match 100% during the translation process. 

Vendor Management

(tick) Tip: These updates are applicable for users of the Vendor Management app.

Rate Charts

  • In order to create rates for specific circumstances, the Rate Chart Usage field has been improved to allow multiple rows of usage criteria. 
  • The drop downs to select source and target languages have been improved by consolidating locales in the same drop down as the "main" language. i.e. English (UK) 
  • Rate Charts include the following fields to enable the quote building process:
    • Per Word
    • Per Hour
    • Per Document


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