

We are pleased to announce that version 13.20.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.

Project Management

Project Status

  • The document metadata fields (content type, domain, job ID, etc.) have been added to the downloadable Project Status Report.

  • We have changed the layout of the Project Status UI and Report so that all assignees for a phase are included in one line, in order to remove the appearance of duplicate phases.

Project Settings

  • When marking a project complete, then re-opening the project, the system now retains the quality program setting in Project Settings.

Document List

  • When selecting "All Filtered Results" for the Due Date, Job ID or Bid ID fields, then taking a bulk action, the system now correctly performs the action on the filtered results.
  • All of the document metadata fields now correctly display in the bulk "Modify Document Metadata" popover.
  • We've reduced the overall impact of the delete document process on our backend systems and database, providing a positive impact on performance throughout the TMS while documents are being deleted.
  • Project Managers with Shared User access to a project can no longer delete documents or remove targets and phases within that project. The API has also been updated to support these restrictions. Shared Users are still able to cancel and skip documents, targets, and phases. 
  • Errors that resulted in documents being marked complete prematurely have been resolved. Documents are marked complete when all phases have been completed and/or cancelled as expected. 

Targets Tab

  • When you select all targets in the Targets Tab of a document and then deselect a single target, the system now correctly limits the bulk actions to only the selected targets.
  • To improve the user experience, there is now a loading indicator on the Targets Tab of a document.
  • Documents, Targets, and Phases that have been cancelled or skipped now display an "x" icon in the last column to indicate that they have been placed into a finalized status.

Task List

  • We've significantly improved performance of the Task List, reducing the time it takes to load the task list by up to 400%.
  • Bulk task checkout now correctly checks out all of the selected tasks.
  • When shared with Linguists, the TM Statistics Report can now be downloaded from the Task List.
  • Tasks that have been cancelled or skipped now display an "x" icon in the last column to indicate that they have been placed into a finalized status.
  • In the Task List, you can now filter tasks by "Task Name".

Machine Translation

  • We've updated our integrations with the various Machine Translation (MT) engines to allow the MT engine to auto-apply inline tags when translating the text, significantly improving the auto-application of tags within the Lingotek TMS.


  • We've resolved an intermittent issue that sometimes prevented project managers from accessing a glossary.

Reference Material

  • When uploading a document that includes reference material, a message now appears to inform the user that the reference material is being uploaded and, if the user tries to close the tab or window, a message will appear letting them know the upload will be cancelled if they navigate away from the page.

Weighted Word Count

  • We have updated the Weighted Word Count display to show "N/A" instead of "0" when the system has not yet calculated weighted words.


  • For integrations, we have added the "status" field to the target and phase callbacks.


Browser Compatibility

  • In both Edge and Firefox, the right-click context menu in the Workbench now correctly displays the icons and text for the various menu options.


  • Unsaved edits to the translation are now retained when the user provides Quality Feedback.

TM Statistics

  • When shared with Linguists, the TM Statistics Report can now be downloaded from the Workbench and the user can view the progress of the download as the file is being generated.

Business Intelligence Dashboard

  • The Home Page for the Intelligence Dashboard has been updated to a new charting library called chart.js. This new library is a more flexible and powerful charting library for the needs of the Intelligence Dashboard.
  • We've updated the Intelligence Dashboard to include a new service API, which opens the door for advanced permissioning and sharing of intelligence data with vendors and other organizations of choice within the Lingotek platform.


  • For Vendors using the GET /document/{id}/leverage API call, the response now returns the leverage statistics for the targets in which the vendor is assigned a phase.


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