

We are pleased to announce that version 13.23.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.

Project Management

Status Types

  • We have added two statuses, Waiting (At Risk) and Waiting (Past Due), to our tasks. This will help linguists distinguish At Risk and Past Due tasks that they need to work on immediately from tasks that are still in a prior phase in the workflow. 

Searching for Documents

  • If a user uses the global search bar to find a document they do not have access to by using the Document UUID or Document Name, they will receive a message informing them they do not have access. 

Vendor Management

Rate Chart UI

  • Our rate charts have been enhanced to create a more user-friendly experience. 
    • The rate chart creation process has been broken into steps. 
    • The user can quickly navigate to previously completed steps without losing work.
    • All language pairs specified on the Translate Rates are carried over to the Review Rates automatically. 
    • An overall view of the rate chart is displayed when the steps have been completed. 

Review Rates

  • We have enhanced rates for review phases to support TM matches. Vendors now have the flexibility to charge clients percentages of the whole Review Rate based on the fuzzy match. 

  • Cost and Invoice Reports have been updated to capture Review Rates based on fuzzy matches. 

Invoice Report Filters

  • When running invoice reports, you have the power to filter what data will be collected. This helps the user see what is relevant to them. You can filter by:
    • Metadata fields - Select multiple metadata fields and enter a value to look for. Multiple metadata fields can be selected, the report will only return targets that match all the specified fields. 
    • Language Pairs - The report will return targets that match any of the language pairs.
  • You can use any combination of the filters above. 

Linguistic Quality Evaluation

Quality Reports

  • Quality Reports have been enhanced to generate faster and more reliably. 
  • Language codes are displayed with hyphens instead of underscores.  
  • Columns that return dates are rounded to the nearest second. 
  • Weighted Word Counts have been added to the quality report. 
  • Segment IDs have been added to the Feedback tab of the Quality Report.


  • Users who make a call to communities they do not have access to will receive a 403 code rather than a 404 code. The 403 code provides a clear message that the user does not have access to the community. 


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