Aaron Sakievich (Unlicensed)
Larry Furr (Unlicensed)
We are pleased to announce that version 14.12.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.
Unreviewed TM Penalties
TM units have been enhanced to support a "reviewed" status. Linguists and customers rely heavily on TM to save both time and money, but it is essential to maintain quality as well. Knowing whether or not a TM unit has been reviewed before using it can have a large impact on the quality of the finished product. See below to understand what you need to do to take full advantage of this new feature.
Existing TM Units
- As part of the release, all existing TM units in the system have been marked as Reviewed. However, their status can easily be changed using bulk actions on the TM Vaults Page and the TM Units page (see below).
- From this point forward, newly modified and created TM units will only be marked as Reviewed if the Workflow has been configured to do so.
Workflow Settings
- The setting, "Update TM when saving segments" has been given a third option. The options are now:
- Do not update TM - This setting already existed and it functions exactly as it did before this release.
- Update TM - This setting has been updated so that TM units that are saved into the selected TM vault will be marked as unreviewed.
- This is the default setting for Translate and Custom phases added to new workflows.
- Update TM and mark reviewed - This new setting will save TM units into the selected TM vault and mark them as reviewed.
- This is the default setting for Review phases added to new workflows.
- This release has NOT affected phase settings on existing phases. Workflow templates and Workflows on projects have been updated for review phases as follows:
- If the review phase was set to Do not update TM no change was made.
- If the review phase was set to Update TM, then it was changed to Update TM and mark reviewed.
- Note that no changes were made to the "Update TM when saving segments" setting on workflows for Custom or Translate phases.
TM Vaults Page
- When you import TM into a TM vault, you have the option of setting the status of the new TM units to reviewed or unreviewed.
We have added a new bulk action on the TM vaults page to allow you to set the status of the TM units to reviewed or unreviewed.
These bulk actions affect all of the TM units within that vault. If you wish to change specific TM Units, then use the bulk actions on the TM Units page.
- We have added a new filter on the TM units page that filters search results by reviewed status.
- We have added an icon on the right of the TM unit row which displays whether or not the unit has been reviewed. You can mark the TM unit as reviewed/unreviewed by clicking on the icon when the TM unit is in edit mode.
- Select multiple TM units and then use bulk actions to mark them Reviewed or Unreviewed.
Configuring TM Penalties for Unreviewed TM Units
Once you have set the reviewed status for existing TM units using the bulk actions described above, and you have configured your workflows to control when future TM units are marked reviewed, you can take full advantage of the changes by configuring your TM Vaults.
We recommend configuring your TM vaults and penalties on the Project Resources page; and then referencing that configuration on the Leverage TM step of the workflow and whenever you run an Analysis or Leverage report. This ensures consistency of how the project interacts with and uses TM resources.
- Anywhere you configure TM Vaults (Project Resources Tab, Leverage TM, Analysis) you can now set penalties for unreviewed TM units.
- The Unreviewed TM Penalty will be applied in addition to the Vault Penalty.
- On the side bar in the Workbench, linguists will be able to see the reviewed status on each TM unit.
- When linguists search TM vaults, they can decide whether or not to include unreviewed TM units in their results. The default setting is to include unreviewed TM units.
Importing TM through API 5
- We have added an additional reviewed parameter to the POST /vault/{id}/tm that allows the user to set whether or not to mark the TM units as reviewed.
Project Management
Document List Filters
- You can now add up to ten filters on the Document List.
- We have given the ability to filter by the Priority and Last Uploaded fields.
- Date filters (Created Date, Due Date, Last Uploaded) have been enhanced to also filter by time of day when you choose to specify dates.
- The Target filter on the Document list now supports two different modes of function. You can switch between the two modes by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the Target filter's title.
- Includes Targets - This mode works just like the original Target filter. If a document contains the selected target(s), it will be returned as a result even if it also contains other targets. If the filter is left blank, it will not filter any documents based on target language.
Equals Targets - When the Target filter is set to this mode, only documents containing targets that exactly match the selected target(s) will be returned (i.e. if the filter is set to de-DE, a document that has de-DE and fr-FR will not be included in the results). If the Target filter is blank and set to Equals Targets, the filter will return documents without targets.
The Target filter will remain in the Equals Targets mode while the user stays within the project. Once the user leaves the project, the Target filter will revert to Includes Targets.
Document List Actions
- The bulk action Mark Complete has been enhanced to allow you to mark phases complete in specific targets across the selected documents.
Glossary Matches
- The logic that provides glossary matches has been made more robust to ensure you are provided with an appropriate number of glossary matches for each segment.
- The Job List page will refresh when the user deletes a job.