Canceling Documents

Canceling Documents

Cancelling documents (as opposed to Deleting Documents) merely cancels or skips any outstanding work in the document rather than removing all traces of the document from the Translation Management System. This has the advantage of keeping any analyses run on the document, keeping a record of what work has been done, and who did the work.

You also have the option to cancel specific targets using the Cancel Documents action. 

Documents in a project can only be canceled by the Project Owner and Community Admins. 

  1. Open Projects from the sidebar menu and select the desired project. 

  2. Select the document that you want to modify. Or bulk select multiple documents. 

  3. Under the Modify section in the Actions drop-down, select Cancel

  4. The Cancel Selected Documents dialog will appear. This action is also available under the Document Summary actions in the Target tab. 

  5. Give a reason for cancelling the document or targets.

  6. Choose if you want to cancel the selected documents or targets within the selected documents. 

    1. Select Cancel Targets within selected documents and the following dialog will appear. 

    2. Choose the targets you wish to cancel using the search box. You can select all the targets within the selected documents. This will not cancel the document. The document will have a Complete status, but you still have the option to upload targets into that document. 

  7. Select Cancel selected documents to save your changes. Or select Close

    1. The system will cancel the phase if any human progress is made on the phase when the document is canceled. The amount of work done will be saved and will be billable by the vendor.

    2. The system will skip the phase if no human progress is made on the phase when the document is cancelled. The phase is not billable.

    3. Phases in the document that have been completed will remain Complete. 

Canceled Icon

Canceled documents, targets and phases will be marked with an 'x' icon in the Status column on the Documents list and Document Summary page. (Skipped phases will also have the 'x' icon.)

Bulk Actions Changes

Canceled documents won't be affected by the following bulk actions.

  • Update Document

  • Manage Assignments

  • Add: Phase

  • Add: Target

  • Skip: Phase

  • Pre-translation: Machine Translate

  • Pre-translation: Leverage TM

  • Document: Request Bid

  • Document: Approve All Segments

  • Document: Apply Format Tags

  • Document: Copy Translations

  • Set Phase Status: Mark Phase Complete

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