


With the Tasks feature in Enterprise, linguists can access and organize their assignments in one place. To access the Tasks feature, click the My Tasks option in the left pane.

Assigned Tasks

It’s important that linguists recognize how much work they are assigned so that they can organize their time. Project managers may sometimes assign tasks preemptively even if it’s still in the early phases of a project.

With the Status Filter, linguists can view tasks that are in the translation phase so that they can start working on them. With the help of status filters, linguists can identify tasks that they have to complete immediately from tasks that are still in preliminary stages.

Active Tasks 

Linguists can start working on tasks that are set as Active. They can also filter their tasks to All Active to view all active tasks and subsets of active tasks.

To filter active tasks or their subsets, see Find Tasks.

Inactive Tasks

Inactive tasks can be classified as Waiting or Complete.

  • Tasks with the Waiting status are still in progress in one of the phases that precedes that of the linguists'. It could also indicate that the task is still being worked on by another community member whose task precedes that of the linguist.

  • Tasks with the Complete status have reached the 100% completion rate or have been marked as complete by a project manager.

The Active, Waiting, and Complete statuses have status subsets. To know more about types of task statuses in Enterprise, see Status Types.  

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