Document Actions

Document Actions


Use document actions to modify one or more documents. For example, you can use a document action to add a new target language or add an extra review phase. 

  1. Access a Project from the Dashboard or from the Projects menu at the top of the page.

  2. Click the check box next to the document(s) needing the action. 

    1. Selecting in Bulk: To select all of the documents on the page, click the check box above the document list.  

From the upper right of the Documents bar, scroll to the Actions menu and select an action.


Document Actions

Below is a list of the Actions currently available for each document, divided into seven categories: 
Add, Modify, Remove, Skip, Pre-translation, Document, and Set Status.

Click an Action name for its description, including instructions for completing the dialog.


  • Add Phase – Add a custom workflow phase to the document.

  • Add Category – Add a document category to help linguists find the document within the workbench.

  • Add Target – Add additional target languages to a source document.



  • Remove Phase – Remove any workflow phase (e.g. Machine Translation, Review) from the document.

  • Remove Category – Remove categories from a document in the linguist workbench.

  • Remove Target – Remove target languages from the document.


  • Skip Phase – Continue to the next step and list the phase as skipped.



  • Analyze – Quickly calculate how much TM can be leveraged in the document.

  • Upload Reference Material – Add documents to provide context to linguists working on the document.

  • Download Reference Material – Download reference materials associated with the document. 

  • Run Edit Distance Report – Calculate text changes between each workflow phase.

  • Download Segment Notes – Compile all document notes created in the Workbench during the translation process.

  • Approve All Segments – Approve all segments in the Review phase in selected documents. 

  • Run Quality Report – Evaluate the quality results of selected documents or of all documents within a specific time range. 

  • Download Document List – Download selected rows of the document list with the columns you have currently configured. 

  • Apply Format Tags – Automatically apply format tags to the document.

  • Change Project – Move the document into a different project.

  • Copy Translations – Copy all of a document’s translations from one workflow phase to another.

  • Set Priority – Modify priority for selected documents.

  • Cancel – Cancels any outstanding work on the document.   

  • Delete – Completely remove a document from the system.

  • Archive – Removes the document from the list of active documents. Stores the document with basic information to in the Archive tab on the Project Summary.  

Set Phase Status

Vendor Reports

  • Cost Report

  • Draft Invoice Report

  • Linguist Report

Manage Assignments

You can manage assignments in bulk using the Manage Assignments button next to the Actions dropdown.


  1. Access a Project from the Dashboard or from the Projects menu at the top of the page.

  2. Click the check box next to the document(s) that you want to manage assignments for. 

  3. A dialog will appear with a list of all the targets included in the selected document. Select the target you wish to make assignments for. 

  4. To the right is a list of phases associated with that target. Each phase has a search box where you can search for and add linguists, teams and communities to the assignee pool. 

    1. Linguists and teams already assigned to the phase will be shown next to the phase name.

    2. If there are different assignments made on the same phase for the same target across different documents, the phase will be locked.

    3. You can choose to unlock the phase and make different assignments, but that will remove the existing assignments and replace them with the new assignments made in the action. 

    4. You can choose to only show linguists in the list that have matching language pairs listed in their profile. 

  5. Select Update Assignments

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