Managing Documents

Managing Documents

Document List

In the Enterprise TMS, documents are the source file uploaded for translation. Use the document list to quickly find, edit, and manage documents.

  1. Project Summary – An overview of the project you are in. You can perform project-level actions here. This drop-down is separate from the document action drop-down. The project summary is visible wherever you are in the project.

  2. Navigation Tabs – These tabs allow you to manage other aspects of the project.

  3. Add Documents – Add new documents to the project by selecting this button. Alternatively, you can drop files anywhere on the page.

  4. Document List Header

    1. Use the refresh button to update the document list.

    2. Search for documents by name.

    3. Use the document list action drop-down to perform document-level actions.

    4. Manage assignments of your selected documents.

    5. Download your source and/or translated files

  5. Document Filters – Use the filters to return a list of similar documents. You can configure your filters and clear your filters using the blue icons to the right.

Configure Document Table

Change Column Width

  1. To change the column width, find the right edge of the column header

  2. Click and drag to your desired width.

  3. To reset an individual column’s width, click the column header and select Reset column width.

  4. To reset all the width of all columns:

    1. Select a column header.

    2. Click Configure columns.

    3. Select Reset column widths.

Sorting Columns

  1. Select a column header.

  2. Select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending based on your needs.

  3. If the column cannot be sorted, those options will not be available.

Add/Remove columns

  1. Select a column header.

  2. Click Configure columns.

  3. Select the columns that you want to display.

  4. Select Update.

  5. Select Restore Defaults if you want to reset to the default column selection.

Finding Documents

Document Access

  • Vendor Project Managers will only see documents if their organization is assigned to at least one phase on the document.

  • Project owners can see all documents in a project, regardless of their organization. It is important that you only make users project owners when necessary.

  • See Roles and Access for more information about roles in the Project application. For specific information about Project Access permissions see here.

Document List Filters

Filter documents by


Secondary metadata

Look up documents by matching metadata fields.

Created By

The user who uploaded the document to the TMS.

Created Date

Look up documents by the document's created date. The filter works according to the user's preferred time zone.

Select preset time options or select custom dates and time.

Document Due

Look up documents by the due date. The filter works according to the user's preferred time zone.

Select preset time options or select custom dates and time.

Last Uploaded

Find documents by the date they were uploaded. You can use our predefined date ranges or use the Specify Dates option to filter by custom dates and time.


Filter by the priority of the document


  • All Active - includes Ready, In Progress, At Risk, Past Due

    • Ready - task has not been started

    • In Progress - task has been started

    • At Risk - the due date is approaching

    • Past Due - the due date has passed

  • All Completed - includes Completed and Late

    • Completed - task completed before the due date

    • Late - task completed after the due date


Find documents by source language and locale.


The Target filter has two options:

  • Includes Targets - If a document contains the target(s) listed in the filter, it will be returned as a result even if it also contains other targets. If the filter is left blank, it will not filter any documents based on the target language. 

  • Equals Targets - When the target filter is set to this option, only documents that match the target(s) listed in the Target filter exactly will be returned (i.e. if the filter is set to de-DE, a document that has de-DE and fr-FR will not be included in the results). If the Target filter is blank and set to Equals Targets only documents without targets will be returned.

Choosing Document List Filters

  1. Select the gear icon next to the current filters.

  2. A dialog will appear where you can choose from our available filters.

    1. You can choose up to 10 filters at a time.

    2. Select “Restore Defaults” if you want the revert to the default filters.

  3. Selecting Update will save your choices.


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