Import Templates

Import Templates


With the Import Templates feature, users can customize how files are uploaded in a central location on the project. This enables project or content managers to upload files without having to worry about adjusting any Import Settings.

The following are important details about Import Templates and how they relate to the import process :

  • Users can set up one import template for a file type and an importer version (m0, m38, etc). 

  • When a user uploads a document to a project through the API or the Add Documents page, the import process looks at the specified file type and importer version to see if there is an associated import template set up in that project. 

  • If there is an associated import template, the system uses its settings to complete the import process. 

  • If there are no associated import templates, the system uses the default setting for that file type and import version.

Configure an import template

To configure your Import Template

  1. Navigate to the desired project from the Projects List.

  2. Select the Settings tab.

  3. Scroll down until you see the Import Templates panel.

  4.  Select the Add button. 

  5. The Add Import Template modal will appear.

  6.  Fill out the modal by specifying the following:

    1. Document Format (Required) - The file format you want to use for these configurations. The system will match the file format selected under the Import As option when the document is uploaded. 

    2. Importer Version (Required) - Select the importer version that works best for the file type and filter configurations you are using. 

    3. Name (Required) - Give the template a name to easily differentiate it from other templates. 

    4. FPRM File - The FPRM file will give the first set of rules around what content is or is not translatable, how to handle tags, and preliminary segmentation rules. 

    5. Secondary FPRM File - Occasionally additional rules are needed to handle nested content and tags, and Secondary FPRM files work with those use cases. 

    6. SRX File - The SRX file will provide any additional segmentation rules needed.

  7. To complete the process, select Add template.

  8. To Edit, View Details, or Delete a template select the More icon at the end of the row. 

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