Filter Configurations
Laura White (Unlicensed)
Kenny Teves
When you upload a document to a project, you can use Enterprise's default filter configurations, or a filter configuration of your own.
A filter configuration is a set of instructions that tells Enterprise how to extract the text that should be translated from coded content. This coded content could include text from an HTML webpage, or on-screen text from a computer program written in JAVA or C#.
For example, when you upload an HTML file to Enterprise, not all of the content in the file needs to be translated. The filter will identify which parts of the file's content is "code" and should not be translated (e.g. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />) and which parts of the file's content are relevant for translation (e.g. on-screen text, menu items, and text strings).
Once the translation is ready, Enterprise places the translated content back into the code, rebuilding a translated version of the page.
Upload your documents to a project and then scroll to select the filter(s) you wish to use. If you would like to use a filter of your own, click Upload new to add a new filter.
Enterprise supports FPRM, ITS and SRX filter configuration files.