Setting up the Pre-translation feature

Setting up the Pre-translation feature

Once the pre-translation tab is enabled, you will need to properly set up the pre-translation with your workflow.

To set up the pre-translation feature, perform the following:

  1. Select the Project Workflow tab from the project summary page.

  2. From the Pre-translation Notification list box, select the team or person who will be notified when a document is uploaded to pre-translation, and then click Save.

Note: The team or person selected will automatically be notified every time a document is uploaded into pre-translation.

  1. Select the Settings tab.

  2. Under the Document Options section, select the file types that you want to require pre-translation, and then click Save.

    You can select one of the following options:

    • Don’t allow – disable pre-translation for all files

    • Any file – files that cannot go through the regular workflow or cannot go through an importer are sent to pre-translation

    • Specific files – only the specified file types are sent to pre-translation


  • You can specify multiple file types.

  • When a specific file that is accepted by the importer is chosen, you can force the file to go into the pre-translation queue.
    For example:
    *.po files are automatically sent to the importer, however, if a *.po file is specified in the "Specific files" option, then it will go to pre-translation for that project instead.

  • Any file that is uploaded in the project that matches the file types specified will be automatically placed under the Pre-translation tab.

The following file types are supported by the importer:

catkeys | cpp | csv | dita | ditamap | doc | docx | dtd | html | icml | idml | indd | json | lang | md | mif | odg | odp | ods | odt | pdf | po | ppt | pptx | properties | rdf | regex | resx | rtf | sdlxlf | srt | strings | tmx | ts | tsv | ttx | txml | txt | vsdx | wix | xlf | xlf2 | xls | xlsx | xml | yml | zip

The following file types are restricted by the importer:
ade | adp | air | apk | app | appimage | appx | appxbundle | bat | bin | cab | cgi | chm | cmd | com | cpl | deb | dll | dmg | ear | ex | exe | ex_ | flatpak | hta | ins | ipa | iso | isp | jar | lib | lnk | mde | msc | msi | msix | msixbundle | msp | mst | nsh | pif | ps1 | rpm | scr | sct | shb | snap | sys | udl | vb | vbe | vbs | vxd | war | wsc | wsf | wsh

  1. When a file is in pre-translation, the localization process will occur wherein a translatable source file is created and uploaded. Once the translatable source file is uploaded, a new document is created under the Documents tab and the file that is associated with it in the Pre-translation tab will be attached as a reference file, and then the document will go through your regular translation process.

Note: The file for translation will appear in the Documents tab in a supported file type format (txt, docx, etc.). Once translation is completed, post translation in the form of DTP, etc., will be needed to convert the file type back to its original form.

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