Document Options

Document Options

Document Options

Require Due Date on Document Upload

If you would like project managers to be required to add document due dates to documents as they are uploaded in order to enforce deadlines and SLAs, you can easily require them to add a due date to any document uploaded in a project with this setting set to yes. 

To enforce adding document due dates:

  1. Open the Project.

  2. Above the project’s open document list, click the Settings tab (far right).

  3. In the Document Options window, click the Edit button.

  4. Change the Require Due Date on Document Upload to Yes. 

  5. Be sure to Save your work.

Disable Inheritance in Update Document

If documents are updated via the API or UI without any settings specified they will inherit settings from the previous document OR the project. Use this setting to control which inheritance path is used. If the document is updated via the API, the integrator can specify the exact settings they want to use, which overrides this setting. 

  • If the inheritance setting is set to "No:"

    • the new document version will use the same filter the previous document used.

    • The targets of the new document will use the same workflows as the previous document's workflows. 

  • If the inheritance setting is set to "Yes:"

    • the new document version will use the import template of the project. If there isn't a matching import template then the system default will be used.

    • all the targets will use the Project workflow. 

Prevent saving translations that exceed segment-level character limits

Translations will not be saved if they exceed the segment’s character limit if you set this to Yes.

  • We set this to No by default.

  • This setting prevents translations that exceed the character limit from being saved by the Enterprise System and linguists.

    • If a linguist creates a translation that exceeds the character limit, they will not be able to save the segment or complete the task.

    • The Machine translation and Leverage TM processes will not be able to save translations that exceed the character limit.

    • This rule applies to all individual and bulk actions that result in a saved translation.

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