Enabling Offline Translation

Enabling Offline Translation

Offline Translation

When Offline Translation is enabled on a project, linguists will be able to download assigned tasks as XLIFF, edit the XLIFF using a third-party CAT tool, and then re-import the CAT tool's XLIFF output via the Tasks List.

Privacy by Project

The PM can designate whether linguists can export/re import XLIFF files. Since privacy needs differ from project to project, these settings can be controlled on the project level.

To enable Offline Translation on a project, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Enterprise as a project manager. 

  2. Open a project. (Open Projects from the sidebar and then open the desired project). 

  3. From the open project, switch to the Settings tab.

  4. On the Linguist Options panel, click Edit

  5. Select XLIFF as a download option under Document Download Options.

  6. Click Save

  7. On the Offline Translation panel, click Edit

  8. Under Enable Task Re-Import?, select Yes.

  9. When you are ready, click Save.

When re-importing tasks, Enterprise’s Translation Management System now checks the XLIFF 'state' for each of the imported trans-unit translations and compares them against the task's corresponding project settings to determine if the translation should be imported and if it should also create/update TM for that segment:

  • If the Update Translation checkbox is not selected for the trans-unit state, the trans-unit's translation will not be imported, nor will it create/update Translation Memory for that segment.

  • If the Update Translation checkbox is selected, but the Update TM checkbox is not selected, the trans-unit's translation will be imported, but it will not create/update Translation Memory for that segment.

  • If both the Update Translation and Update TM check boxes are selected, the trans-unit's translation will be imported and will create/update Translation Memory for that segment.

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