Downloading DTP Files

Downloading DTP Files

If a DTP file is available for a document, a project manager can download and distribute it from the document Download menu.


  • Target. One finalized file can be uploaded for each target language on a document. 

  • Size Limit. Finalized files must be 8GB or less

  • Supported File Types. All file types are supported (as long as they meet the size limit). 

  • Different File Types. A finalized file does not have to the same file format as the original file. (e.g. The original file was IDML but the final file is INDD).

Once a linguist uploads a final version of a file, the project manager can download and distribute it.

Download files in bulk

To download finalized files in bulk, follow these steps:

  1. Log in. Log into Enterprise as a project manager.

  2. Access the project. From the top of the page, open the Dashboard and then click the name of the Project

  3. Select the documents you wish to download. Click the checkbox next to the documents you would like to download. Then click the Download button at the top of the page. 

  4. In the dialog, select the way you would like to download the documents.
    Choose a file format and the source language(s) you wish to download: 

    1. Under File Format, select Finalized

    2. Double click the language(s) for the documents you wish to download.
      In the dual selection screen, double click the language(s) you wish to download.

  5. Download. When you are ready, click Download

  6. Access the downloaded file(s). After the download is complete, the finalized file(s) will be available in your browser’s Downloads folder. These files will be available in a zip file, and each zip file will be divided into separate sub-folders for each source document.

  7. Distribute the translation. This zip file can be emailed or uploaded to a secure file transfer system for distribution to the end client.

Download a single file

To download a single finalized file:

  1. Select the document that has a finalized file. 

  2. Targets that have a finalized file available for download will display an icon next to the edit icon. 

  3. You can quickly download that finalized file by clicking the Finalized File icon or you can select the more icon at the far right of the row and select Download Finalized File. 

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