Modify Shortcuts
Modify Shortcuts
- Laura White (Unlicensed)
- Kenny Teves
- Aaron Sakievich (Unlicensed)
Owned by Laura White (Unlicensed)
After selecting a set of shortcuts, you have the option to customize any existing shortcut.
If you are accustomed to using Ctrl+F7 to run Spell Check, add it via the Shortcut Configuration screen.
Modify Shortcuts
To modify an existing shortcut,
- Log into the Enterprise Workbench.
- Go to the Tools menu and select Configure Keyboard Shortcuts. Ensure the correct set of "preferred shortcuts" is selected.
- Click inside the box next to a shortcut.
- Using the keyboard, enter the keystrokes for the new shortcut.
- For Example: To change a shortcut to “Ctrl+F7,” click in the box next to the shortcut title. Then, using the keyboard, hold down Ctrl and press F7. (Tip: Do not "type" the letters "Ctrl+F7"). The new shortcut will be displayed in the box.
- For Example: To change a shortcut to “Ctrl+F7,” click in the box next to the shortcut title. Then, using the keyboard, hold down Ctrl and press F7. (Tip: Do not "type" the letters "Ctrl+F7"). The new shortcut will be displayed in the box.
- Scroll down and Save your work.
Once the new shortcut is saved, it will be active in the Workbench (and will appear in the drop down menu).