Select a Shortcut Profile

Select a Shortcut Profile

Enterprise offers three sets of shortcuts: Industry Shortcuts, Enterprise (Classic), and Enterprise (New).


Enterprise (New) is selected by default.

  • Choose Industry to use basic shortcuts used in the industry.
  • Choose Enterprise (Classic) to use Enterprise's existing shortcuts.
  • Choose Enterprise (New) to start using Enterprise's new/enhanced shortcuts.

By default, the Workbench uses the Enterprise (New) shortcuts profile.

To use a different set of shortcuts, select them from the Workbench Tools menu.

To select your preferred set of shortcuts,

  1. Log into the Enterprise Workbench.

  2. Go to the Tools menu and select Configure Keyboard Shortcuts.

  3. Under Choose preferred shortcuts, select the set of shortcuts you wish to use.

  4. Scroll down and click Save.

The new set of shortcuts is active and will appear in the drop down menus.


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