Modify Document Metadata

Modify Document Metadata

Assigning metadata to documents is useful for organizing and finding documents. It is also very important for our Vendor and LQE applications. We make it easy to add metadata to documents as you upload them to a project.

However, you may want to change document metadata, or you would like to assign metadata to multiple documents that you forgot to assign upon uploading the documents.

With the Modify Document Metadata action, modifying document metadata is made simpler.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open Projects from the sidebar menu and select the desired project. 

  2. Select the document that you want to add or modify metadata for.
    You may also select documents in bulk by selecting their applicable check box.

  3. Under the Modify section in the Actions drop-down, select Document Metadata

  4. The Modify Document Metadata dialog will appear.
    You can add or modify any metadata field that is supported in our system. 

  5. Mark the metadata fields you desire to modify and the text fields will become editable (mark Select All to edit all the metadata fields).

  6. Enter the metadata in the text fields. Clear All Selected will remove metadata from the selected fields.

  7. Select Modify to save your changes. Or select Cancel

The Modify Document Metadata dialog lets the user know what metadata is already associated with a value. If the value, 

  • is blank, the field does not have a value for any of the selected documents.

  • says 'Mixed,' the field has different values across the selected documents. 

  • contains an actual value, then that value is the same across all selected documents. 

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