Add New Filters

Add New Filters

Additional task filters

In addition to the default filters, over 20 other filters are available on the task list.

Filter By...
  • Author Name, Author Email

  • Business Division, Business Unit

  • Campaign Id, Campaign Rating, Category, Channel

  • Client, Contact Name, Contact Email, Content Type

  • Document Due, Document Last Uploaded

  • Domain, External Application ID, External Document ID, External Style ID

  • Job ID, Next Task Due, Phase Type, Priority, Purchase Order, Reference URL, Region, Require Review

  • Task Due, Task From, Task Start, Task Type

To display more filters on the task list,  follow these steps:

  1. Log into Enterprise and open the task list. 

  2. Above the list of tasks, next to Filters, click the gear icon.

  3. A list of all available filters is displayed. Check to choose which filters will be available in the task list.

  4. When you are ready, click Update. The new filters will display on the task list.

Filter Descriptions

Filter documents by


Author Name, Author email

Look up documents by author.

Business Division, Business Unit

Look up documents by requester.

Campaign ID, Campaign Rating

Look up documents by campaign.

Category (default)

Look up documents by the document category assigned by the PM (e.g. Web Copy, Marketing Copy, etc.).


Look up documents by channel.

Checked Out To

Look up documents by the user who checked out the task. 

Checkout Status

Look up documents according to their checkout status:

  • Checked Out - View all tasks that have been checked out (whether or not they have been checked out by you).

  • Checked out To Myself - Allows you to see all the tasks you have checked out. 

  • Checked out to Other - View all tasks that have been checked out by someone other than yourself. 

  • Not Checked Out - See all the tasks that are still available for check out.  

  • Ineligible for Check Out - View tasks that are not available for check out. 


Look up documents by client.

Contact Name, Contact Email

Look up documents by contact.

Content Type

Look up documents by the content type listed when the document was uploaded to Enterprise.

Document Due

Look up documents by the due dates. Select preset time spans or create a custom time span.

Document Last Uploaded

Look up documents that have been uploaded within a specific time span. Select preset time spans or create a custom time span.


Look up documents by domain.

External Application ID, 
External Document ID, 
External Style ID

Look up documents by external IDs.

Job ID

Look up documents by job

Next Task Due

Look up tasks by the due date of the task immediately after the current task. Select preset time spans or create a custom time span.

Phase Type

Look up documents by assigned phase (e.g. Translate, Review, DTP, etc.).

Purchase Order, 
Reference URL, 

Look up documents by other metadata.

Require Review

Find documents that must be reviewed.


  • All Active - includes Ready, In Progress, At Risk, Past Due

    • Ready - task has not been started.

    • In Progress - task has been started.

    • At Risk - the due date is approaching.

    • Past Due - the due date has passed.

  • All Inactive - includes Waiting, Skipped, Cancelled, Completed and Late

    • Waiting - Phases that have incomplete phases prior to them. They cannot be worked on.

    • Waiting (At Risk) - Phases that are approaching their due date but are still not available to begin work. 

    • Waiting (Past Due) - Phases that have passed their due date but is still not available to begin work.  

    • Skipped - Phases which have not started that belong to targets that were cancelled.

    • Cancelled - Phases which have had progress that belong to targets that were cancelled.

    • Completed - task completed by the due date.

    • Late - task completed after the due date.

Language Pair (+Locale)

Find documents by source/target language and locale.

Task Due (default)

Look up tasks by the due dates. Select preset time spans or create a custom time span.

Task From

Find documents by requester of the task.

Task Start (default)

The date a task is able to be worked on. 

Task Type (default)

The phase type of the task (translate, review, or custom).

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