Project Status Report

Project Status Report


The Project Status report – available on the Project Resources menu – helps ensure projects are running smoothly.

With the Project Status report, you can do the following:

  • Gauge project completion.

  • Balance translator workloads.

  • Ensure projects are meeting deadlines.

  • Find projects by workflow phase, language, document/project title, status, and date.

Use this report to plan a project, monitor your projects as a whole, or simply analyze the status of all projects in your community. For example, you can use this report to see all of the translations completed in the past month.

Download a report

To download a Project Status report, follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane of the Project app, click Project Resources, and then click Project Status.

  2. In the Project Status page, set your filter preferences in the upper pane.

  3. When the search results appear, scroll through your desired project.
    Each filter instantly narrows the results. If your results seem too narrow, try removing a filter.

  4. If desired, export your results to a spreadsheet.

    1. At the top of the page, scroll to select the type of spreadsheet you wish to download.

    2. Click Download. You will receive a pop-up message informing you the job has started. You can access the download in the Process Queue.

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