FAQ: Languages & Locales

FAQ: Languages & Locales

Frequently asked questions on Enterprise’s language and locale standards.

How many languages does Enterprise support?

Which standard language codes are used by Enterprise?

  • We use ISO 639.  We prefer the 2-character codes from ISO 639-1 and then fallback to the 3+ character codes in ISO 639-2, and ISO 639-3 when needed.

Which standard country codes are used by Enterprise?

  • We use ISO 3166.  For the most part, we have only used the 2 character codes from ISO 3166-1.  There are a small number of cases that have deviated.  An example is es-419 for Latin America which comes from UN M.49 region codes. 

Does Enterprise utilize multiple codes for the same language?

  • Not at this time. Because each locale is different, Enterprise has avoided creating multiple codes for the same language. 

Can language codes be customized?

  • Not at this time. 

Are there any language codes that apply to a region (rather than a country)?

  • In some cases, yes; however, because the code does not apply to a country, it does not follow the standard 2 letter language country format (e.g. US).
    e.g. The locale for "Spanish - Latin America" (es-419) is non-standard because it does not use a country code. 

Can I customize the mappings of locales, i.e. can I use a language code not included in the ISO 639-1?

  • Not at this time. 

What if a language/country pair is not currently supported? 

  • To see if a new language pair (i.e. language code + country code) can be supported, please send an email to support@lingotek.com

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