Translating a Glossary in Enterprise

Translating a Glossary in Enterprise

You can translate a glossary and its concepts to another language in the TMS.

Translate glossary entries

To translate glossary entries, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Project Resources option from the sidebar, and then click Glossaries.

  2. On the Glossaries page, select the glossary whose entries you want to translate into a different language or locale.

  3. In the Glossary Summary section of the Glossaries page, click the Actions list, and then click Translate Glossary.

  4. When the Translate Glossary window opens, enter the following information:

    • Terms Source - Choose the source language of the terms that need a translation.

    • Project - Choose a project where the documents will be added for translation. 

    • Workflow - Select a workflow to use for the translation process.
      It’s important that the workflow you select has the Save to vault configuration. If it does not, the translation will not work.

    • Document Name - Choose a name for the document that will be created. 

    • Document Source - Provide the source of the document and the document targets.
      Each source-target combination is exported as an individual XLIFF file into the selected project.

    • Document Target(s) - Select the applicable language or locale target of the document.

Selec the Exclude Translated Terms check box to choose whether terms that already have translations in the selected target locales should be translated again or not.

5. Click the Translate option to prompt the system to start the translation process.

The glossary will appear as a translatable XLIFF document within the selected project. Once the glossary is translated, you can now import the translation

Import translated glossary entries

To import the translated glossary, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the translation project, and then select the glossary you exported as a document.

  2. From that document, click the check box next to the targets you wish to import.

  3. From the Target actions, choose Import to Glossary.
    The selected targets will be imported directly into the glossary they were exported from automatically.

  4. Click Import.
    The new glossary entries will be available in the original glossary.

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