Process Queue

Process Queue


The Process Queue keeps track of all downloads, reports, and processes as they are completed by the system.

From the Process Queue, you will be able to access completed file downloads, project analyses, machine translations and more.

View/Download Completed Items in the Process Queue

To view or download an item from the Process Queue,

  1. Select the Tools menu from the sidebar.

  2. Select Process Queue.

  3. View the list of items currently processing.

    1. clock indicates items queued for processing.

    2. Progress icon marks items currently processing.

    3. Check icon marks items finished processing.

Once an item is finished processing,

  • Click the Entity link to view the item.

  • Click the Details link to view information such as status, start and finish date, and job duration.

  • Click the Download icon () to save the item to your device.


Community admins can view all processes run by users, but they can only download the results run by a user who belongs to their organization. Project managers and linguists can only see and download the processes they have run. 

You can only download resources TM Vaults and Glossaries if you have shared user access to the resource.

Sort by Date

By default, the Process Queue displays only the processes completed on the current date. 

Jobs are deleted from the Process Queue viewer after 30 days.

To view past processes,

  1. Click the calendar icons at the top of the page (in the Request Date field).

  2. Click to choose a new date:

    1. To choose a new month, click the Month at the top of the calendar.

    2. To choose another year, click the <<|>> arrows to the right or left of the top of the calendar.

    3. To complete the selection, click to select a day.

All processes run during the selected date range will display.

Sort by Other Criteria

If you need to find something quickly, sort items in the Process Queue by Status, Process, Requester, and Date.

If results get too narrow, try removing a filter.

Filter Options

  • Status – Status may be Completed, In Progress, In Queue, or Failed

  • Process – The types of processes that have been run.  

  • Requested By – Name of the user requesting the action.

  • Request Date – Click the calendar icon to select a date.

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