Project and Document Details

Project and Document Details

Project Details

You can review additional details about a project with the Project Details feature in the Portal application.

To access project details, follow these steps:

  1. Select a project from the Project list.

  2. On the Documents page, click PROJECT DETAILS on the right side of the page heading.

  3. Click CLOSE DIALOG to close the window and return to the document list.

You can access the following information about projects in your community. If you have the applicable user permissions, you can also modify some of these details:

  • Project Name* – You can see the name of the project in the header.

  • Project Note* – You can add important details and instructions in the project note.

  • Due Date* – When linguists should have completed all work in the project. Due dates are not recommended at the project level unless there are a specific number of documents and targets added to that project.

  • Progress – The current progress of the project. Note that the progress will be in flux as users add more documents and targets to the project.

  • Weighted Word Count – The total weighted word count (WWC) in the project. The weighted word count can be higher than the source word count since it is the sum of the weighted words of each target.

  • Source Word Count – The total source words in the project.

  • Documents – The total number of documents in the project.

  • Project UUID – The unique ID associated with that project.

  • Project Type – Currently, continuous is the only project type.

  • Created Date – When the project creator made the project.

  • Created By – The user who created the project.

  • Created By UUID – The unique ID associated with that user.

*Editable by users with the correct permissions.

Document Details

You can review additional details about a document with the Document Details feature in the Portal application.

To access document details, follow these steps:

  1. Select a project from the Project list.

  2. On the Documents page, click DOCUMENT DETAILS on the right side of the page heading.

  3. Click CLOSE DIALOG to close the window and return to the document list.

In the dialog, you will see three sections: Info, Meta, and Reference Materials. If you have the right permissions, you will also be able to edit specific details about the project.


General information about the document.

  • Document Name* – You can see the name of the project in the header.

  • Document Note* – You can add important details and instructions in the document note.

  • Due Date* – The date that all targets in the document should be completed.

  • Source Locale – The language and country locale of the source file.

  • Weighted Word Count – The total weighted word count (WWC) in the document. The weighted word count can be higher than the source word count since it is the sum of the weighted words of each target.

  • Source Word Count – The source document’s word count.

  • Document UUID – The unique ID associated with that document.

  • Created Date – The date the document was created.

  • Created By – The user who created the document.

  • Created By UUID – The unique ID associated with that user.

  • Original Due Date – The first due date applied to the document.

  • Reason for Date Modification – The reason for the latest change to the document’s due date.

*Editable by users with the correct permissions.


Open this section to see what metadata values are on the document.

  1. Metadata should be applied when you create your document.

  2. We do not allow Portal users to change document data after uploading it since it can impact costs and quality programs.

Reference Materials

Reference materials are any files that provide instructions and context to the linguists that are working on your translation projects. If you have the applicable permissions, you can add, download, or delete reference materials in the Portal app.

To manage reference materials in the Portal app, follow these steps:

  1. On the Projects page, select the applicable project.

  2. On the Documents page, select the applicable document.

  3. When additional details appear, click the DOCUMENT DETAILS option, and then click the REFERENCE MATERIAL tab.

4. In the dialog box, do any of the following:

  • Drag and drop files to upload them as reference material for the document.

  • Click the Download option to download an existing reference material.

  • Click the Delete option to delete an existing reference material.

To download or delete files in bulk, select the checkbox of the applicable reference material in the left-most column, and then click REFERENCE MATERIAL ACTIONS. When the options appear, click the process you want to execute.

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