Creating AEM Translation Projects

Creating AEM Translation Projects

Create Translation Projects from Sites

  1. Navigate to the content in your source language folder that you want to be translated. 

  2. Select Create and choose Language Copy

  3. Complete the Create Language Copy wizard. 

    1. Select your source - check the box(es) next to the content you want to be translated. Decide whether or not to include that content's subpages. 

      1. If you forgot to select source content previously, you can choose Add Pages and then select additional source content. 

    2. Configure - Select your target languages and choose the correct path under Cloud Configuration which will auto-populate all other settings.

      1. The Translation Provider Credential should be the name of the Translation Profile you chose in your Enterprise Connector.  

      2. Translation Settings will be the name of your Translation Integration.

      3. Translation Method will equal Human Translation. 

      4. Translation Provider will equal Enterprise Connector. 

    3. Translate - Choose from the following options and then select Create. Only options ii-iv will result in a translation. You will need to give your translation project a name for options ii-iii

      1. Create Structure - This simply creates a folder structure that matches your source content, this is for users who want to translate that content later. 

      2. Create Translation Project(s) - Creates a new translation project for each target language you selected in the Configure step. 

      3. Create Multi-language Translation Project - Creates one translation project with a job for each target language you selected in the Configure step. 

      4. Add to existing translation project - Add new jobs to an existing translation project.

  4. If you have correctly followed the instructions above, your translation project will be created with content already set. You can add more content as needed or simply start the translation jobs.

Create Translation Projects from Assets

  1. Create an empty folder in Assets and give it a title and name identical to your source locale (EX: "en-us" or "en") 

  2. Select the newly created folder and open up it's properties.

  3. Select Cloud Services and then choose the path where your Enterprise Connector is configured.

  4. Add all source content you wish to translate inside the newly created source folder. 

  5. Create a new folder for each language copy you want to create.

    1. You must fill the name field with the ISO language code that matches your desired target locale ("fr" or "de-de").

    2. You can optionally give the folder’s title the same language code.

  6. Inside your source folder select the Asset you want to translate and open References in the side panel. Currently, AEM does not support selecting more than one asset for translation at a time. 

  7. Select Language Copies and Create and Translate.

  8. Then choose your target languages, the type of project you want to create, give the project a title, and then select Create

  9. A project will be created automatically and you can start the project. This process also works for users who are translating using the XML Documentation Add-on, you can find more details in AEM's documentation here. 

Manually Create Translation Projects

  1. From your Navigation screen, select Projects. 

  2. Select Create from the Projects screen and select Project.  

  3. The Create Project wizard will open. On the Template step select Translation Project and then click Next

  4. Under the Properties step:

    1. Give the Project a title and fill out any other desired optional fields under the Basic tab. 

    2. Under the Advanced tab you will need to fill out the following and then select Create:

      1. Name - By default it is the lowercase version of the Project title, but you can adjust it if necessary. 

      2. Source Language - Defaults to English (en).

      3. Target Language - Select as many target languages as necessary. A new folder structure will be created for each selected target.  You can choose to leave this blank and fill it out later. The only Target languages available for selection on new Translation Jobs will be those set up here. span

      4. Cloud Configuration - Select the path where you have set your Enterprise Connector and Translation Integration. You must select the path in order for your Translation Provider Credential to be populated with your Translation Profile from Enterprise. 

      5. Translation Method -  You will always choose Human Translation for the Enterprise AEM connector.  

      6. Translation Provider - Select Enterprise when using the Enterprise AEM connector. 

      7. Translation Provider Credential - This will be populated automatically if you have correctly set up an Enterprise Connector and Translation Integration under your chosen path under Cloud Configuration.  

      8. Fill out any other settings as needed. 

  5. If you have correctly followed the instructions above, your translation project will be created without any content. You will need to add content to translation jobs manually to continue translation. This is the only method to translate content other than Sites (Assets, experience fragments, forms, etc.)

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