AEM Translation Statuses
Job Translation Statuses
Status | Description | Actions |
Draft | Your translation job is created. At this point, your translation job may or may not be populated with files. | If your translation job is already populated with the content you want to translate, use the action drop-down and select start translation. Otherwise, add content to your translation job and start the job. |
Committed for Translation | Your translation has successfully been uploaded to the Enterprise TMS. | Your translation job should leave this state as soon as the Enterprise Workflow begins. |
Translation in Progress | One or more of the files in your translation job are still being translated. | The translation job will be in this state until ALL your content moves into a new state. Open the translation job if you know some content in the translation job is ready for review. |
Ready for Review | All files in the translation job have been imported successfully to AEM. | Enter the translation project and manually review your files or simply bulk select and approve the translations. |
Complete | All files in the translation job are in a completed state. | This could mean that all translations have been approved, or a mix of approved and cancelled. Files could be cancelled for a few reasons that are explained below in the Content Translation Status. |
Cancel | The translation job appears as cancelled when you choose to cancel the job from the Job Actions drop-down. | You should only select this if you want the files in the Translation Job to be cancelled in the TMS. Cancelled documents and targets in the TMS are in a final state and further actions cannot be made. You will need to re-upload the AEM content as a new document in the TMS. |
Unknown State | An unknown error has occurred. | You will not be able to continue using that translation job. Try to reupload your files in a new translation job. If the same issue occurs, you should reach out to for help troubleshooting the issue. |
Content Translation Statuses
Status | Description | Actions |
Committed for Translation | The file has been successfully uploaded to the Enterprise TMS. | Wait for your content to complete the translation workflow so you can review it. |
Translation in Progress | The file is in progress in the Enterprise TMS. | Wait for your content to complete the translation workflow so you can review it. |
Ready for Review | The translation has been completed in the Enterprise TMS and has been downloaded to AEM where you can review it. | Select the content that is ready to review and choose accept. If you want to preview the translations in AEM, you will need to select translations one at a time and choose preview. |
Cancel | Translations will not occur for this content and AEM will not ask for status updates from the Enterprise TMS. | This occurs if:
Updated | The content has been uploaded to the Enterprise TMS and the original language copy will be overwritten when the translation completes. | This will only happen when you are updating a language copy. |
Deleted | The newly updated translations have been promoted and the previous language copy has been deleted. | This occurs when you have successfully updated a language copy. |