If you would like to assist with the actual translation process, you must log in to the Enterprise Workbench. Enterprise Inside Sites provides a unified login experience so that users can jump to the Enterprise workbench without having to provide a login or password.
Complete documentation of the correct usage of the Enterprise Workbench is provided in a separate document. However, the following steps will assist you in getting started.
- View asset in UI in Form inspect view.
- Click on the Metadata tab.
- If asset is not finished with the translation process, a link appears in the Locale section of the Metadata screen beside your language called Translate. Click on the Translate link beside the appropriate language.

- The Enterprise Workbench opens.

- Translate your text, double-clicking on the Translation Memory entry or the Machine Translation entry, if appropriate, or enter your own translation text, and click next.
- Once all segments have been translated, click save and close to close the workbench.
Viewing Translated Content in Sites
Depending on how your workflow is configured on Enterprise, your asset may be sent back to Sites automatically within a few seconds, or a few minutes, or a few days. This section describes how your translations can be viewed within Sites.
- View asset in UI in Form inspect view.
- Click on metadata tab.
- Each translation will be listed with a link in the Locale section of the metadata tab. Click on the name of the asset corresponding to the language of the asset you would like to inspect.

- The translation opens in the Sites Contributor UI. If the translated content has been sent beck to Sites, you will see it in the appropriate language. If it is not visible, and you know that at least some of the work has been done on Enterprise, you can manually sync the content back to Sites by clicking the Sync button on the toolbar. Inspect or preview as desired.

Sending Source Document Updates to Enterprise
To send updates to Enterprise from within WebCenter Sites, the workflow for your source asset should support updates.
By finishing your workflow assignment and selecting a step enabling updates, (Send Updates for Translation in the sample workflow), the changes to the source asset are sent to Enterprise, and Enterprise presents the translation team with only the changes that you made on the source, instead of the whole document again.

When sending updates for translation it is not possible to change the workflow project or to add target languages. (To add target languages, you have to send the source asset for translation again using Send for Translation, and selecting one of the remaining targets).
The process proceeds in an identical manner to original translations, as described above.
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