Filtering Segments

Filtering Segments

Filtering Segments

Linguists may want to view all segments that are in a specific state or need certain actions taken at once. The filters on the task list allow users to filter in different ways according to their needs.

The table below gives you a list of filters, their description, and an example use case. There are many ways you can use the filters other than the examples provided. 

FilterDescriptionExample Use Case

Exact Match

Syntax Match

Fuzzy Match

No Match

Return segments that were leveraged with the corresponding TM match.Choose to only view segments with exact matches during the review process to ensure there aren't any incorrect translations.

Exclude Exact

Exclude Syntax

Removes all segments that were leveraged with exact or syntax matches. These can be used at the same time. If you are confident with the quality of your exact or syntax matches, you can remove segments leveraged with exact and/or syntax matches. 
LockedAll segments that were locked during the leverage process. Usually when the leverage returned a 100% Exact MatchQuickly review all the 100% matches first to make sure there aren't any mistakes before moving on to the other segments.
UnlockedAll unlocked segments. Remove the locked segments since you have already reviewed them to make sure there weren't any mistakes.
EditedAny segment that has been changed since the previous phase's translation of that segment. If you with to review what you have edited so far, use this filter and look over your work. 
UnsavedSegments that have been edited but not saved.  If there are any segments that you are not comfortable saving yet, continue working and when you are finished, apply the Unsaved filter and review them again before saving. Note that if you close the Workbench without saving those segments, your work will be lost. 
HiddenView all the segments that have been disabled by the import or pre-engineering process.Troubleshooting.
Exclude HiddenView all segments that are being translated at some point in the workflow. This filter is enabled by default and it allows you to focus only on the segments that should be translated. 
Exclude UneditableAll segments that can be edited. For example, some segments have not been translated in previous phases so are not ready for your edits.If you are working on a phase that can be worked on even though the previous phase has not been completed, you can view all the segments ready for editing.
Needs TranslationTranslation type phases only: segments that have not been translated yet.If you are returning to work on a phase you have partially completed, you can filter segments that still haven't been translated.
TranslatedTranslation type phases only: Any segment If you wish to review the work you have done, filter to segments that have been translated. 
ApprovedReview type phases only: All the segments that you as a reviewer have approved. If you wish to look over all your approved segments once more before marking the phase complete. 
Needs ReviewReview type phases only: All the segments that have not yet been approved.If you wish to only see the segments you still need to approve before marking the phase complete. 
With TagsAny segment with tags. It does not matter if they have been applied or not. Some linguists prefer to apply tags as a final step, after they have completed translation of the text. 
Without TagsAny segment without tags, it does not matter if they are unapplied or not.If you wish to first translate segments without tags, you can use this filter.
With applied tagsAll the segments that include tags AND have been applied to the target segment.If you wish to review all segments where you have applied tags at once, you can use this filter.
With unapplied tagsAll the segments that include tags AND have NOT been applied to the target segment.If you wish to make sure that all tags have been applied when you finish your work, use this filter and if no segments are returned, that means that all tags were applied. 
With NotesAll segments that have segment level notes.View all the segments that may have questions, concerns, instructions from other linguists or project managers.
Without NotesSegments that do not have segment level notes.Finish all the segments that should be straightforward first.

Searching Segments

In addition to filtering segments, you also have the ability to search the source and target text using the search boxes next to the locale icons. Simply type in your text and it will automatically filter to only show segments that have a word or phrase that match your search text. 


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