Creating Notifications and Rules

Creating Notifications and Rules

Workflow Rules provide a simple way to enhance, customize, and automate your workflow.

Use Workflow Rules to…

  • Send automatic email notifications.

  • Tell the system when to move a document from one phase to another.

  • Download completed translations to your corporate website.

  • Automatically lock TM for initial workflow phases…and more.

Just choose the condition that needs to be met (e.g. translation is complete) and the automatic action to take (e.g. send an email notification to the project manager).

Once the rule is saved, it will run automatically as part of the workflow.

To add a rule,

  1. Open a workflow– Select Templates from the sidebar, open Workflow Templates, select the desired workflow. 

  2. Select a phase – Click on the phase where you wish to add a rule.

  3. Select Configuration – This will open the workflow configuration screen.

    1. Add the rule. Scroll down to the Rules section and click the + Add Rule icon.

    2. Create the rule.

      1. Using the drop-down menus, create as many rules as you wish.

      2. Scroll to select the desired condition(s) and automatic action(s).

      3. You can set multiple conditions for a single rule by using the + sign.

  4. Save your work.


A list of sample scenarios, along with available conditions and automatic actions will follow.

Sample Scenarios

Workflow rules provide a powerful way to automate tasks and save time.

For example….

  • Scenario: You want project managers to receive notification when translations are complete.
    Add this Rule: When the translation is complete, send an email notification to the assigned project manager.

You might want to add several actions to a single rule.

  • Rule: When the translation is complete, send an email notification to the assigned project manager 
    – and –
    Download the completed translations to my corporate website.

When creating a rule, you can choose from up to 10 available actions for any of 5 conditions.
Mix and match these conditions and actions to automate notifications, downloads, and more.

Please see below for a description of each condition and its available actions.

You may set as many (or as few) rules as you wish.




To kick off an action when…

Phase Starts

The workflow moves from the previous phase to the current phase

(e.g. It moves from Translate to Review).

Phase Progress % Reaches

The phase reaches a certain percentage of completion

(e.g. Translation is 75% complete).

Phase is Marked Complete

The linguist manually marks the current phase as complete.

(e.g. the Reviewer marks the review as complete).

Machine Translation Process Completes

The automatic machine translation finishes running.

Leverage Translation Memory Process Completes

The automatic TM leverage finishes running.

Available Automatic Actions



Mark phase complete

Allows the linguist to manually mark the current phase as complete.

Start next phase

Starts the next phase in the workflow.

(e.g. when the translation is complete, it can trigger the review phase)

By default, each workflow has rules that can move a document from one phase to another; you may edit these rules or add new ones as needed.

Copy translations from previous phase

Copies all of a document’s translations from one workflow phase to another (e.g. copy all translations from the Human Translate phase to the Human Review phase).

Check “Overwrite any existing translations in this phase” to update existing translations with the copied translations.

By default this is unchecked, and only copies over translations for the segments not yet saved/approved by the linguist.

Leverage translation memories

Applies updated translation memory to the existing project.

You can choose which TM vaults to use, and which vaults take precedence.

This is typically run at the beginning of a project; however, a TM leverage can be added to any phase of the workflow.
See Leverage TM On Demand for more information.

Machine translate

Runs the machine translate phase using the MT Credentials or MT Template you choose. If you select a MT Template, the MT credential will be selected based on the language pair.

Note – By default, only untranslated segments will be machine translated.

Auto format segments

Automatically applies format tags to all segments.

Note: We recommend human review for all automatically applied format tags.

It could make sense to run this step immediately after starting the translate phase. That way the linguist can evaluate automatic tags to ensure they are applied properly.

Propagate locked segments

When you add a rule to propagate locked segments to subsequent phases, locked translations will be carried to the phase with the rule. You can propagate locked TM, translations from bilingual files, or both. 

  • To propagate locked translations from bilingual files, be sure to start the propagate locked segments rule on the second phase of the workflow since they are saved and locked on the first phase of the workflow

  • This rule will always be honored, even if the phase is skipped or cancelled

Generate quote

  • Send a request to the Vendor application to provide a quote for Translate and Review phases in the workflow. 

  • Only use this Rule with the condition leverage translation memory process completes.

Send an email notification

  • Set up an automatic email notification to a project manager when a project is complete

  • Set up an automatic email notification to assignees when their phase of the workflow starts.

When the document reaches the condition you specify, send an email notification to the type of user you specify and customize the email message.

You can set the notification by role (e.g. current assignee, next assignee, etc.) or you can send the notification to a specific email address. Each message is fully customizable, complete with automatic variables that can be used to draw in information about the document (e.g. {DocumentName}).

Send an HTTP notification

This feature is available in API 4

Configures an HTTP notification to allow 3rd Party Systems communicate with the Enterprise system.

Most often, this feature is used to notify your CMS that Enterprise content is ready for download. It includes metadata such as the phase name. 

Enter the pre-authenticated URL you want to use for your CMS. This step is usually performed when the project is completely finished.

This can be configured via your Enterprise/CMS integration.

Call project callback URL

This feature is available in API 5

Similar to “Send an HTTP Notification,” this allows the Translation Management System communicate with 3rd Party Systems in a newer, faster process.

You can use this feature to notify your CMS (Drupal, WordPress, Ektron) that Enterprise content is ready for download onto your site. If an automatic download feature is set up within the integration, all completed files can be automatically downloaded to your company website’s corporate content management system.

This step is usually performed when the project is completely finished.

This can be configured on the project level (under Project Settings).

Mark phase as invoiceable

  • Will mark the phase as invoiceable in the backend. This will let the Vendor application know that the phase can be invoiced.

  • This rule only applies if the phase is Billable.

  • Once all phases are marked invoiceable, the target will also be marked invoiceable. 

Mark all previous billable phases as invoiceable

  • This will mark all previous phases marked as billable as invoiceable. This will not mark the current phase as invoiceable. If you also want to mark the current phase as billable, use the rule above in addition to this rule.

  • Once all phases are marked invoiceable, the target will also be marked invoiceable. 

Mark all billable phases as invoiceable

  • This will mark all billable phases as invoiceable. The current, prior and subsequent phases. Subsequent phases will be marked as invoiceable even if they have not been completed. This will also mark the target as invoiceable, even if has not been completed.

Send quality evaluation results

  • This will send an HTML email to the recipient. It will include the following:

    • Quality evaluation results

    • Quality Score

    • Target Locale

    • Document Name

    • Detailed feedback per segment in the attached CSV file. 

Reset the phase due date to

Reset the phase's due date to x hours from the phase's start date. This is used to automatically adjust the due date set by Due Date Configurations when you know that a certain phase follows a phase that is usually delivered late. This is only available with the phase starts condition.  

Upload translation(s) as new document(s)

This action will take completed translations you choose and upload them as a new documents (one new source document for each target locale you select). For each translation you want to be uploaded as a new document you can select:

  • The targets you want them translated into

  • What workflows you want use for the new translations.

This action is only available on the “Translation Completion” workflow step and the “final phase is marked complete“ condition

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