Distributing Assignments

Distributing Assignments

Simplify the assignment process with the Distribute Assignments feature. 

This feature is available on the Project Actions menu and allows you to automatically and evenly distribute document assignments across any number of selected linguists.

To simplify the distribution of assignments, follow these steps:

  1. First, analyze the project.
    Because Distribute Assignments divides assignments based on word counts (and other calculations), you must run an analysis before Distributing Assignments.

  2. Next, set up the assignment.
    After analyzing the project, assign translators for each target language.

    1. Open the project. On the upper right, scroll to select Distribute Assignments.

    2. In the dialog, select the recently run analysis. 
      Then scroll to select the target language and phase you wish to assign.

    3. Type the names of the desired assignees.

  3. Confirm the assignments.
    When you are ready, click Distribute Assignments. This places assigned documents in the task list of each linguist.
    You can also:
    Redistribute Assignments 
    Note – To give some translators larger assignments than others, use the color-coded slider below the list of assignees:

  • Uncheck Distribute evenly.

  • Drag the color-coded sliders – until each linguist’s word counts are satisfactorily distributed.

    A single document is never divided between multiple translators. 

If word counts vary from one translator to another, it is likely that one translator has a much larger document.
When you are ready, click Distribute Assignments.

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