We’re pleased to announce release 10.12.2. In this release, we’ve made enhancements to our bulk assignment feature and to the global Find and Replace page. We’ve also made a number of bug fixes.
Distribute Assignments
Quickly and easily assign all of a project’s documents to the translators of your choice.
Managing and distributing translation tasks on large job can be time consuming and difficult - even with the bulk selection and assignment options. With our new “Distribute Assignments” feature you can assign thousands of documents evenly or move the slider to assign tasks by the number of documents and word counts.
Create a project, run an analysis, and choose your translators. It’s that simple! Lingotek handles the rest behind the scenes.

Link to Original File
Project-Wide Find & Replace results now link back to the file.
From the Project-Wide Find & Replace results, you can now click on the document name to open the Workbench, allowing you to view or edit the translation from within the Workbench itself.
Java implementation tags at the beginning and end of a segment now display properly.
In Firefox, the scrollbar displays correctly for integrations.