FAQs - AI Quality Evaluation

FAQs - AI Quality Evaluation

  1. What is AI Quality Evaluation?

AI Quality Evaluation is an AI-powered tool designed to assess the quality of translations and other content. It combines AI efficiency with human expertise to provide accurate and fast evaluations, helping businesses ensure high-quality content and reduce costs.

  1. What is the purpose of AI Quality Evaluation?

The primary purpose of AI Quality Evaluation is to act as a quality checker for translations. It evaluates uploaded content after it has been translated, helping businesses determine if the content meets quality standards. The tool provides a score based on the quality and suggests whether further human review is necessary.

  1. How does AI Quality Evaluation work?

After uploading a document, the content undergoes translation through phases like Leverage TM (Translation Memory) or Machine Translate, followed by AI Quality Evaluation. The AI system reviews the translation and provides a quality score, categorizing segments into different levels (Best, Good, Acceptable, Bad, No Score, Untranslated).

  1. What file formats are supported by AI Quality Evaluation?

AI Quality Evaluation supports a variety of file types. Please refer this for the supported file types, https://lingotek.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BoCgwg .

  1. How do I integrate AI Quality Evaluation into my workflow?

To use AI Quality Evaluation, you need a project workflow template that includes this as a system phase. You can create a new template or add the AI evaluation step to an existing workflow. It is recommended to place AI Quality Evaluation after Translation Memory (TM) or Machine Translate phases.

  1. How do I upload a document for quality evaluation?

After creating a project using a template that includes AI Quality Evaluation, you can upload the document to the system. Please ensure the document meets the supported file type requirements.

  1. What are AI tokens, and how are they used?

AI tokens are consumed during the quality evaluation process. The number of tokens required depends on the content’s complexity and the length of the document. The token cost is visible in the document summary, and you will need to purchase tokens to initiate the evaluation.

  1. What is the cost of an AI token?
    AI tokens are currently priced at $0.02/token (USD).

  2. How do I purchase AI Quality Evaluation job?

Once the content is uploaded and translated, the system will calculate the token cost for the evaluation. You can purchase the required tokens by clicking the "Purchase AI Quality Evaluation" option, and the evaluation process will start once the purchase is complete.

  1. What happens after purchasing the AI Quality Evaluation job?

Once purchased, the system will process the quality evaluation, and you will receive a quality score represented as a percentage. The score will reflect the overall quality of the translation, and segments will be categorized (Best, Good, Acceptable, Bad, No Score, Untranslated) to give detailed feedback.

  1. Can I customize the workflow after the AI Quality Evaluation phase?
    Yes, you can configure additional human review phases after the AI Quality Evaluation if necessary, based on the evaluation results. This flexibility allows you to adapt the review process based on the AI-generated quality score.

  2. What happens if the AI Quality Evaluation identifies a translation as "Bad" or "Untranslated"?
    If the AI evaluation categorizes certain segments as "Bad" or "Untranslated," further human review may be necessary to correct or finalize those sections. The results help guide the next steps in your translation workflow.

  3. How many languages does AI Quality Evaluation support?
    AI Quality Evaluation supports 156 languages on the Enterprise platform, ensuring a broad range of language pairs for businesses working on multilingual content. Please refer Supported Languages .

  4. Can I use AI Quality Evaluation for all types of content?
    AI Quality Evaluation is designed specifically for translations and content that requires accuracy in language. It works best when integrated into translation workflows, but it can also be used to evaluate other types of content as per the platform's capabilities.

  5. How can I access the AI Quality Evaluation feature?
    You can access AI Quality Evaluation through the Enterprise platform’s Workflow Templates or by adding it as a custom phase to an existing project. Ensure you have the necessary subscription or plan that supports this feature.

  6. Is there any way to see the results of the AI Quality Evaluation?
    Yes, after completing the evaluation, the results will be displayed with a quality score and a detailed breakdown of how each segment was evaluated. You can view the categorization of each segment (Best, Good, Acceptable, Bad, No Score, Untranslated) by clicking the score in the Resources column.

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