| | |
Target Locale | String | The target language locale |
Document Name | String | The name of the document |
Document ID | UUID | Document ID |
Content Type | String | The “Content Type” field in the document metadata. |
Project Name | String | The name of the project |
Project ID | UUID | The ID of the project |
Source Words | Int | The number of source words in the document |
Target Words | Int | The number of source words for the target |
Weighted Words | String | The number of weighted words across all targets |
Standard Word Count | Int | The standard word count specified in the quality program, which is used as a baseline for comparing documents of varying sizes |
Total Error Points | Double | The total number of error points on the target |
Weighted Error Points | Double | The weighted error points on the Target, after multiplying the error points against the weight defined in the Quality Program |
Standardized Error Points | Double | The adjusted error points based on the source word count and the standard word count |
Quality Score | Double | The target's quality score |
Quality Grade | String | Whether or not the Target passed or failed the quality evaluation; based on the pass/fail threshold defined in the Quality Program |
Target Completed Date | Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) | The date the target was marked complete |
Evaluated Phase | String | The phase in the workflow that is getting evaluated |
Evaluated Author | String | The linguist who completed the task. This field is aliased if the user who ran the report is from a different default organization than the one who left the evaluation |
Evaluated Vendor | String | The vendor organization assigned to the task |
Evaluated Phase Start | Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) | The date the phase began |
Evaluated Phase Complete | Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) | The date the phase was marked complete |
Evaluated Phase Duration | Double | The total time in hours between the phase's start and completion dates |
Evaluated Phase Time Spent | String (Int) | The time recorded in the Workbench by the linguist(s) who worked on the evaluated phase |
LQE Phase | String | The phase where quality evaluation took place |
LQE User | String | The linguist who performed the quality evaluation. This field is aliased if the user who ran the report is from a different default organization than the one who left the evaluation |
LQE Vendor | String | The linguist assigned to performing LQE. This field is aliased if the user who ran the report is from a different default organization than the one who left the evaluation |
LQE Phase Start | Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) | The start date of the phase where quality evaluation took place |
LQE Phase Complete | Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) | The completion date of the phase where quality evaluation took place |
LQE Phase Duration | Double | The time between the start and completion date of the LQE phase |
LQE Phase Time Spent | String (Int) | The time recorded in the Workbench by the linguist(s) who worked on the quality evaluation |