Providing Linguistic Quality Evaluation

Providing Linguistic Quality Evaluation


With Enterprise’s Workbench and the Linguistic Quality Evaluation (LQE) applications, users have more options in providing linguistic feedback on translations. They can specify prevalent error types in the document, identify the severity of errors, and provide feedback and instructions on how to improve the translation.

Provide feedback

To provide quality feedback in Workbench, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the word or phrase that needs feedback in the Translation and select Feedback.

  2. A dialogue box will appear. 

    1. Under Type, select the Error Type the word or phrase violates. 

    2. Segment Number is a drop down that ties the error to the correct segment.

    3. Severity is where the Reviewer selects the severity of the Error Type.

    4. Optionally provide a Description.

    5. Select Send Feedback

In order to provide the reviewer with more context before starting the phase, they can access a read-only version of the Quality Program. This will allow them to see all the error types they should be aware of while reviewing the translation. 

  1. Enable the Sidebar from the View drop down. 

  2. Select the Quality Tab from the Sidebar and select the Quality Program icon in the upper right corner. 

  3. A pop-up window will appear that provides the reviewer with the following information:

    1. Quality Program Name

    2. Document field

    3. Pass/Fail Threshold ('x' error points per a standardized/weighted word count of 'y' words)

    4. The Quality Program's version

    5. The scorecards are associated with the Quality Program and the points for each severity level. The scorecards are organized horizontally in alphabetical order, but the scorecard that displays first is either the default scorecard or the scorecard that matches the document's metadata. 

Quality Score

  1. The Quality Score is set to 100% at the beginning of the Review Phase (or any phase allows Quality Feedback). 

  2. As the Reviewer adds errors, the Quality Score will decrease. The status will remain at Pass, as long as it remains above the quality threshold set in the Scoring Configuration step.

  3. When the Quality Score drops below the Pass/Fail Threshold, the status will change to Fail. 

The quality score can never fall below a 0%. 

In order to give the reviewer more context to how a quality score is calculated, we have added a Scoring Details section under the Quality tab in the Workbench. 

  1. Enable the Sidebar from the View drop down. 

  2. Select the Quality Tab from the Sidebar and select the Scoring Details icon in the upper right corner. 

  3. A new section in the Quality Tab will appear with the following information. 

    1. Quality Score Details

      1. Document Word Count

      2. Word Count Multiplier

      3. Weighted Error Points

      4. Weighted Error Points (Standardized)

      5. Quality Score - The score is displayed in two decimals and is not rounded. 

      6. Quality Grade

    2. Quality Program Overview

      1. Name

      2. Version

      3. Passing Score

      4. Standard Word Count

      5. Scoring Method

Time Tracker

It is common for linguists reviewing quality to be paid by the amount of time they spend on the task rather than by word. See here for more documentation on how to use the Time Tracker in the workbench. 

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