Updating Documents

Updating Documents

Content rarely stays the same for long. As a result, sometimes a document you have already translated (or are still in the process of translating) will have revisions made to it soon after (or even before) the translation process completes. The Enterprise TMS allows you to update a changed document and track the versions of those documents over time. 

Update Documents from the Project App

  1. Open the Project from the Projects menu.

  2. Open the document.

  3. At the top of the page, select the Actions menu (listed in the Document Summary bar).

  4. Scroll to select Update or type to filter the actions.

  5. In the dialog, click Select File. Using your file explorer, navigate to the file, click to highlight it, and click Open to select it.

  6. If you would like to use a specific configuration file, de-select Use original configuration files and select existing FPRM and SRX files or upload new ones from your device. 

  7. Click Update

    1. After clicking Update, the new file will be uploaded to the TMS as a new version of the original document. 

    2. The current version of the document is canceled if is not in a completed state. 

    3. The new version is uploaded to the TMS and linked to the previous version.

    4. Workflows are assigned to the targets of the new document version. 

Old document versions:

  • are hidden from the document list.

  • cannot be included in bulk actions.

  • are inaccessible from the global search unless you are searching by UUID. 

  • will be visible on TMS reports (project status reports, quality reports, invoice reports, cost reports, etc) until they are archived.

  • retain all important information such as importer versions, translated content, costs, etc. 

  • can be found by clicking on the Versions option on the Document Summary of the current document version. 

This will only display the most recent 200 versions, and will not show any archived versions.

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