Moving, Inverting TM

Moving, Inverting TM

About Translation Memory Vaults

When translation memory is created, it is composed of translation memory units. 

On its most basic level, a translation memory unit is stored as a single segment:

TM Unit



My car

Mi carro

(source segment, mapped to its translated target segment).

The TM unit has a specific direction, in this case English to Spanish:

My car > Mi carro.

If the TM unit is inverted, it will change direction. If we invert the TM unit above, it changes direction to be Spanish to English:

Mi carro > My car.

Because TM vaults automatically store TM in the direction it was originally translated, initially, the TM can only be leveraged on documents using that source > target combination.
When you invert TM, it will make a copy of all of the TM in the vault, and change its direction
(e.g. all English > Spanish TM can be inverted to Spanish > English TM).

Inverting Vaults 

To invert a TM vault,

  1. Open the vault.
    Go to Project Resources > TM Vaults> and click to open a vault.
  2. Select the documents.
    A list of documents that comprise the TM in the vault will display. Click to select the check box next to each documents with TM you wish to invert.

  3. Invert the TM.
    Click the Invert button (above the list of documents, upper right).

Enterprise will make a copy of all of the TM units within in the vault, and change their direction
(e.g. English > Spanish TM would be inverted to Spanish > English TM).

Moving Vaults

TM vaults offer the flexibility to move, manage, and delete translation memory.
Within the TM vault, TM segments are organized by their originating document.

You can move all of the TM units – packaged within a document – to another TM vault.

To move TM,

  1. Open the vault.
    Go to Project Resources > TM Vaults > and click to open a vault.
  2. Select the documents you wish to move.
    A list of documents that comprise the TM in the vault will display. Click the check box next to each document that should be moved to the new vault.
  3. Click the Move button (upper right, above the Active Documents list).

  4. Scroll to select the vault where you would like to move the document(s)’ TM.

  5. Click Move.

All of the TM for the selected document(s) will be moved to the new TM vault.


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