Managing Concepts and Terms

Managing Concepts and Terms


This page walks you through the steps in managing concepts and terms in the TMS. Concepts are also referred to as glossary entries.

Access concepts and terms

To access and manage existing entries and concepts in the TMS, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Project Resources from the sidebar, and then click Glossaries.

  2. On the Glossaries page, select the glossary you want to manage.

  3. On the summary page of the selected glossary, choose the language of the entry you want to manage.



You can select a full locale (both language and country) when filtering entries. Doing this will show you all the entries the selected language is associated with.

After you select a language or locale, you can now search for entries, and manage and delete its concepts and terms.

Search for existing concepts or entries

To search for concepts or entries, follow these steps:

  1. On the summary page of a glossary, select the locale of the concept you want to look for.

  2. In the Search for Entries box, enter the concept’s full phrase or a portion of its phrase, and then click the Search option.

Click Show All to show all related entries if the initial search results don’t feature the entry you’re looking for.

Add an entry to your glossary

To add a new entry, follow these steps:

  1. On the summary page of a glossary, select the language or locale of the concept you want to look for.

  2. Click the New Entry option.

  3. When the New Entry window opens, enter the following:

    • Concept Definition - Enter the concept definition.

    • Term Text -  Enter the term’s applicable text.

  4. Click Add.

When the “Added (pending)” message appears, do not click the Add option again to avoid duplicates. The system automatically adds the new entry and it will appear in the list after you refresh the page. You can also click Show All to view all existing glossary entries for the selected language or locale.

Delete an entry

An Entry is the summation of a Concept and the Terms related to the Concept. The most important part of an Entry is the Concept, so deleting the Concept also deletes the Entry. 

To delete an entry, follow these steps:

  1. Click an entry you want to delete.

  2. When the entry’s details appear on the right, click the hamburger menu to open the CONCEPT ACTIONS list.

  3. Select the Delete Concept option.

  4. When the confirmation question appears, click Delete to delete the concept and all of its terms.

Edit a concept

A true concept-based glossary is more than a word in the source being translated into a specific word in another language. It is a list of terms that match a definition and other metadata in as many languages as necessary.

To edit a concept, follow these steps:

  1. Select an entry that you want to edit to open the Concept and Terms sections on the right side.

  2. Click the hamburger menu from the Concept section to open the CONCEPT ACTIONS list, and then click Edit Concept.

  3. When the Edit Concept window opens, enter the following:

    • Definition - The definition that was previously set appears in this box. Revise the definition as you see fit.

    • Customer - Enter the intended customer for the concept.

    • Project - Enter a specific project where the concept should be used for.

    • Source of Definition - Enter the source of the definition.

    • Subject Field - Enter the subject field of the concept.

    • Custom Attributes - Click the Add More option to add customized attributes for the concept.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

Manage terms in a concept

Terms are the words you want to be used for specific locales based on the concept definition. You can have synonyms (i.e. multiple terms for one locale) which you can distinguish by defining metadata on the terms.  

Adding new term

To add new terms, follow these steps:

  1. Select an entry or concept for which you want to add a new term.

  2. When the Concept and Terms sections on the right side appear, click New Term.

  3. When the New Term window appears, enter the term text and the locale in the Term Text and Locale boxes respectively.

A term can be associated with a language or a full locale (language and country).

4. Click Add.

Edit a term

To edit a term, follow these steps:

  1. Select an entry or concept for which you want to add a new term.

  2. When the Concept and Terms sections on the right side appear, click the term you want to edit.

Pro Tip: Sort by Locale or Term to make the term you are looking for easier to find.

3. Click the hamburger menu to open the TERM ACTIONS list, and then select the Edit Term option.

4. When the Edit Term window opens, supply the necessary information for the following:

  • Term Text - Revise the term text as you see fit.

  • Locale - Select the applicable locale or language.

  • Context - Enter the context when the term can be used.

  • Customer - Enter the intended customer for the term.

  • Gender - Select the applicable gender of the term.

  • Part of Speech - Select the applicable part of speech where the term belongs.

  • Project - Enter the intended project of the term.

  • Source of Context - Enter the term’s source of context.

  • Source of Term - Enter the term’s source.

  • Term Location - Provide the term location.

  • Term Type - Select the applicable classification of the term.

  • Custom Attributes - Click the Add More option to add customized attributes for the term.

5. Click Save to save the changes.

Delete a term

To delete a term, follow these steps:

  1. Select an entry or concept for which you want to add a new term.

  2. Click the hamburger menu from the Terms section to open the TERMS ACTIONS list, and then click Delete Term.

  3. When the confirmation question appears, reassess if you want to delete the term, and then click Delete to erase it from the system.  


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