

We are pleased to announce that version 16.2.0 of the Lingotek Translation Management System was released today.

Project Management

Projects and Project Templates

Projects are more than a way to organize and group content. They include complicated settings that control how content interacts with the system and how users interact with content. We created Project Templates to make it easy to create correctly configured projects with a click of a button. Your project managers or community admins can create a project template with settings configured to meet your organization's specific needs. Then, project managers can use those templates to create a new project without giving it a second thought.

  • You can find Project Templates under the Template menu in the sidebar. Here you will create and manage your community’s project templates.


  • The interface for creating projects has changed. Instead of creating a project with a workflow template, you will use a project template. Or you can manually create a new project and configure your project settings before you make the project.

Business Intelligence

Delivery Insights

  • We added a new Delivery Insights menu to create charts that give insight into how deliverables are finished.

  • The On-Time Delivery for Completed Tasks tracks the percentage of phases that are delivered on time.

    • We display a trend for each vendor organization and a trend for human phases not assigned to a vendor organization.

    • Use the volume sub-chart to compare how many phases are assigned to different organizations with their on-time delivery percentage.

Resolved Issues

  • Quality chart tooltips displayed numbers with incorrect formatting.

Vendor Management


  • We have added all document metadata fields to the Linguist report.

  • We resolved an issue where quotation marks are doubled in the Document Name field.


Translation Profiles

  • We have added a target selector to translation profiles. Removing targets from the profile you created allows you to prevent end-users from requesting those targets for content using that profile.


POST /project

  • The new project_template_id parameter allows integrators to create a new project using project templates.

  • Now both the workflow_id and project_template_id parameters are marked as optional. However, you must use one or the other, and you cannot use both parameters to create a project.

New /template Endpoint

The new /template endpoint gives integrators the ability to interact with and use templates in their integrations.

  • GET /template/project returns a list of all project templates you can access with your token.

    • You must specify your community_id.

  • GET /template/project/{id} returns a specific project template.