Creating Project Templates

Creating Project Templates


Anyone with the Project Management role or higher can create a project template. We strongly recommend that you do not create more project templates than your organization needs. Your team should collaborate and create project templates that fulfill specific use cases to create new projects. If a specific project needs minor adjustments to settings, they can be made after the project is created, rather than creating a whole new template to support that minor use case. If everyone on your team creates their own project templates without any planning, it will greatly reduce their effectiveness.

Creating your Project Template

Open the Create Project Template dialog

  1. Select the Template menu in the sidebar.

  2. Choose “Project Template.”

  3. Select the Add icon to create a new project template.

Project Template Settings

These settings are specific to the Project template object and do not affect the actual project.

  1. Template Name – This is a required field.

  2. Description – Give the project template a description to help users decide which project template they should use.

  3. Project Template Owners – Users with permission to view, use, copy, edit, delete, and control who has access to the template.

  4. Shared Users - Users with permission to view, use, and copy the template.

Project Access, Workflow, and Quality Program


  1. Workflow Template – This is a required field. The workflow template you select here will be copied to the new project as a project workflow.

  2. Quality Program – Used by reviewers to evaluate translation quality.

  3. Project owners – These users and teams will be the project owners of projects created from this template. You can choose to notify these users whenever a new project is created.

  4. Shared users – These users and teams will be the project shared users of projects created from this template. You can choose to notify these users whenever a new project is created.

Import Templates and Document Specific Settings

  1. Select the add icon to create a new import template. You can use the remove icon to delete any unnecessary import templates.


  2. Require due date on document upload

  3. Disable inheritance in update document

  4. Prevent saving translations that exceed segment-level character limits

Linguist Settings and Offline Translation


  1. Hide machine translation results within the Workbench

  2. Allow linguists to edit tracked time

  3. Require linguists to review document notes and reference materials upon opening the Workbench

  4. Document download options

  5. Enable task re-import – These settings are only visible if task re-import is enabled in your community.

Project Resources

Related Documentation

  1. Configure your TM vaults.

  2. Configure your glossaries.

  3. Select the project’s machine translation credentials or MT Template.

Save your project template

  1. You can go back to each step to review your work if necessary.

  2. Select Save to finish creating your project template. Saving your project template is available as soon as you fill out the required fields.

  3. To discard your template, select Cancel.


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