Enable LQE

Enable LQE


Before a reviewer can use the quality program of their choice, the following criteria must first be met:   

Publish the quality program

It is necessary that the quality program a reviewer wants to use is published in TMS.

To publish a quality program, click the hamburger menu in the upper-right corner of the page, and then click PUBLISH.

Enable quality feedback settings

The Allow Quality Feedback on this phase setting must be enabled for the applicable phases in the workflow.

To do so, go to Project Management > select a project > click the Project Workflow tab. After that, select the workflow phases that you want to allow quality feedback on.


  • If there are existing documents using this workflow, they will not be affected by selecting Allow Quality Feedback on this phase unless you do one of the following:

    • Manually edit the phase on the document level. 

    • Select the Apply to Existing Documents option when you save the change to the workflow template on the project (recommended). 

  • The Allow Quality Feedback on the phase option is available for all phases in the workflow. We advise you to strategically enable Quality Feedback for one or two phases so that the experienced linguists leave informative feedback to train other linguists. 

Select scorecard

A scorecard must be selected for a project.

To select a scorecard, follow these steps:

  1. In the Project app, select the applicable project.

  2. On the Project Summary page, click the Settings tab.

  3. In the Project Details section, click the Edit option.

  4. From the Quality Program list, select the applicable scorecard.
    The scorecards that appear from this list are published and contain matching metadata.


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