Support for Acquia Site Studio

Support for Acquia Site Studio


We are happy to support translation for the Acquia Site Studio. You must be using version 3.3.0 or higher of the Enterprise module to translate Cohesion Layout components.

Translation Setup

Per Acquia’s documentation, the cohesion layout field (usually named Layout canvas) in the hosting entity needs to be unchecked as translatable. This ensures that all the translations reference the same Cohesion Layout entity, but each translation of that layout could have different components.

For the Layout Canvas entity itself, make sure you mark all of the Values, Styles, and Template fields as translatable.

To ensure everything on your site can be translated properly, ensure the Component content entity is also configured in the same way as your other entities.

Enterprise Setup

In Enterprise configuration, you need to ensure that you mark the cohesion layout field (Layout canvas) in the hosting entity.

For the Layout Canvas entity itself, you only should have checked the Values field. Styles and Template fields are computed by Acquia Site Studio based on the Values field, so you don’t need to process those in the Enterprise TMS.

To ensure everything on your site can be translated properly, ensure the Component content entity is also configured in the same way as your other entities.

Uploading/Translating your content in Enterprise TMS

This will work as any other content entity you already translated with Enterprise!

Just a reminder: reusable Component content from Acquia Site Studio are managed separately, so remember to translate those too.

Also, there are some interface translations in the twig templates generated by Acquia Site Studio. You can upload those in the User Interface section of the Enterprise module, under a special item named Cohesion templates in the Themes > Custom themes subsection.

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