Enterprise Marketplace Extension

Enterprise Marketplace Extension


After you install the Enterprise Marketplace Extension and linked your third-party tool to the Marketplace app, you can now start the translation process from within your third-party tool. The extension works the same way for all connectors. This page will provide an overview of the extension.


The title matches the name you gave the extension in Marketplace. Also, if you have multiple extensions pointing to the same URL, this title will turn into a drop-down where you can switch to a different extension. 

Header Actions

Menu Icon:

The Menu icon will open the sidebar where you can find settings and open the extension as a new window. 

Cache Icon:

The Enterprise Inside connector caches content to improve the stability and performance of the extension. If you wish to clear your cache (if you want to quickly ensure none of the source content has been updated) you can select the Clear Server Cache icon.

Search Icon:

Use the Search icon to quickly find specific content. 


Searching By Content-Type

You are able to search by the content type you have selected.

Refresh Icon:

The Refresh icon in the extension is useful to quickly get an update of the status of all the content in Enterprise. (Note: This will not pull the latest status from the Enterprise TMS). All source and target tiles on the screen will refresh with the latest status from the Enterprise TMS. If you wish to get the status of specific content, select the ones you wish to get an update on and select refresh. This is faster than refreshing the entire extension, and will accurately reflect the current status of the document in the Enterprise TMS.

Close Icon:

The Close icon will close the extension. This will not clear the cached content.

Content Selector

  • Each tool that Enterprise connects with has different types of content. The Content Selector allows you to keep your view organized, so you know what type of content you are looking at, and you don't accidentally send a Form when you are trying to send a Landing Page. Simply select the content you wish to view and it will load in the extension. 

  • Use the navigation arrows on the far right and left to see any content types outside of view. 

  • A loading gif will appear to the right of your selected content type while content loads. If you have your settings configured to stop loading content after a certain amount of files, you will see our chevron icon next to the active content type if there is more content to load. Select that icon to load additional content. 

  • Our integrations are restricted by the API limits set by the third-party tool. We load content as fast as the third-party tool allows. 

Content List

  • Use the selector to select specific content. The checkbox in the column header will select (or deselect) all filtered content. 

    • Bulk selection will first apply to the current page. You can select all filtered results across all pages by choosing the Select all x files in filtered results option. 

  • In the Name column, you see the name of the content as it is specified in the tool you are using. In your settings, you can also choose to display the id, location, and Translation Profile being used for this content type. 

  • The Source column shows you the source language you selected when connecting your tool to Marketplace. It also shows you the status of that source. 

  • The Translations column displays the target languages you selected when connecting your tool to Marketplace as well as their status. The targets displayed depend on the Translation Profile that was selected when uploading the document to Enterprise. 


  • You can decide how many rows are listed at one point in your extension (25, 50, 75, or 100 rows)

  • Use the Page Size drop-down to change the number of pages listed. 

  • You can use the arrows to toggle through pages or change the number in the page input and select enter to jump to a specific page. 


  • Notifications will appear at the bottom of the screen. 

On this page:

More Information

See the subpages below to get more detailed information on settings, content status, actions, etc.

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