Concordance Search

Concordance Search

With the concordance search, easily see if there are TM matches for any phrase.

Use the TM search box or highlight a phrase.

To type a search, 

  1. Open the Workbench.

  2. On the TM tab, click the Search icon (or press Ctrl+Shift+F3) to open the search box. 

  3. In the Search box, type a word or phrase and press Enter.

  4. Any TM hits will display on the right.
    1. Click the Copy icon to copy the translation memory hit into the Current Translation field.
    2. Click the "x" to clear the search field.

Highlight Source Text

To run a search from a highlighted phrase, 

  1. Go to the Original Text box and highlight the phrase you want to search.
    1. Right click and then select Concordance Search
      Optionally, use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+F3.

  2. Any TM hits will display on the right.

  3. Click the Copy icon to copy the translation memory hit into the Current Translation field.


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