

New Features

  • Dashboard Improvements
    • Common name-value pairs (specifically: part of speech, gender, classification, format/informal, notes, context, and example in a sentence) are now prominently displayed to translators in the translation workbenches if included in the glossary as pre-defined metadata
    • Support for uploading terminology (i.e. glossaries) as Excel files
    • Ability to configure public/private settings for glossary sharing
    • Improved XML parser (used for importing XML documents) to more closely follow the XML specification
    • Community option to disable the "Translate Now" button
    • Ability to use the locale code for the source entity when exporting TM vaults
    • Option to set a community preference for which workbench translators use
    • Language support for Chuukese, Pampangan and Pohnpeian
  • Chat Improvements
    • Team experts now appear in blue in chat rooms
    • Community option to auto-add all users to a community chat room
    • Users can now customize their chat room display ID
    • Chat rooms now show a list of users in the room and the name and language pair of the document they are currently working on
    • Last 20 lines of chat are remembered when reopening a chat window on login
  • Workbench Improvements (New & Classic)
    • The addition of the "Next" button advances translators to the next most important segment in a document in the following order:
      • Un-translated segments,
      • Unapproved segments (with the least amount of votes if in a community phase)
      • Unreviewed segments (if in a review phase)
    • This "next most important" segment logic is also used when launching the workbench or when submitting or voting for a translation
    • The "Lock Segments" project setting can be enabled to prevent community translators from modifying segment translations that have already been approved by the community
    • Translators can now customize their workbench hot keys, hot key settings are shared between both workbenches
    • If enabled by project manager, translators download PDF views of the source and target content from within the workbench
  • Classic Workbench Improvements
    • TM options set by the user are now restored on subsequent use of the workbench

New APIs

  • addPreference - create a new client preference. If the preference already exists, it will edit an existing preference if a value is sent
  • editPreference - edit a client preference
  • getCommunityPreference - get a community preference. See the appendix for a list of types, keys, and potential values
  • getPreference - get a client preference
  • listJobs - list jobs for the current user in the currently logged in community. Results are limited to 1000 jobs
  • listLanguageSkills - list all language skills for the active user
  • listTeamMembers - lists team members. Must be the team owner to see this list
  • listTeams - lists the teams you are currently a part of
  • listUserStats - list user statistics
  • removePreference - delete a client preference
  • uploadXLSToGlossary - upload a XLS file into a glossary

Bug Fixes

  • Special characters, such as the right single quote, are correctly saved in the New Workbench
  • Applying formatting tags to a document no longer causes an error message about someone else translating that segment
  • Non-Latin characters are imported correctly when use the Paste Text method on new projects
  • Java Properties files that have URL-escaped characters in keys are imported successfully
  • Improved the performance of the New User Wizard in Google Chrome
  • URL protocol is now auto-inserted when creating a new project if you forget to enter one
  • Chat rooms correctly indicate when a user is logged into your community
  • Saving profile information on the New User Wizard does not display duplicate fields
  • The Translator report no longer throws errors about how the numbers are formatted


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