

New Features

  • Real-time Points
    • Your community translators can now receive instant gratification for their contributions to your community translation projects
    • Points update in real-time not only on the Leaderboard and community admin reports, but also on the New Workbench
    • With each action taken by a community translator, a real-time tally of their points is prominently displayed on the workbench, so that they know exactly how much credit they've earned for their efforts thus far
    • Translators that belong to multiple teams can also choose to which team they want to credit their points
  • Other Platform Changes
    • The Projects page now allows you to search by project name, as well as filter results by client, language, or due date. The list now includes data columns for project owner, created date, number of documents, and a count of unapplied inline tags. You can also export the list to Excel.
    • Sharing resources (projects, clients, TM vaults, glossaries, and workflows) has also been made easier. Rather than have to share resources with individual project managers, resources can now be shared with an entire team of PMs. Users added to (removed from) the team will gain (lose) access to those resources shared with the team.
    • The recently redesigned New Workbench has been further improvemed to include: a more intuitive layout, find and replace, configurable hotkeys, double-click to apply an inline tag, more precise drag-and-drop when placing inline tags, option to save on segment navigation, ability to override segment locks, and much, much more!
    • TM statistics can now be optionally shared with translators and reviewers via the task list and workbench

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a variety of issues with Workflows involving Community type phases
  • Translators are no longer able to join a team when Community-Managed Teams is set to No
  • Added some helper text on the New Integrations page for Community Default
  • Resolved problems with formatting not staying applied
  • Missing ph tags will now be displayed correctly
  • Pseudo localization will now translate correctly when there is whitespace involved
  • Workbench will no longer be narrow when longer segments are present
  • Pressing Special Characters no longer narrows the workbench
  • Special Characters are now functioning correctly
  • Negative format tag count on project management views resolved
  • Pop out windows should now work in IE8
  • Unapplied format tag count updates correctly in New Workbench
  • Ignore option on Segments tab now can be used for ignoring and hiding
  • Pseudo localization correctly handles instances of repetitions
  • Pre-fill report now shows format tag count correctly
  • Machine translation is now being populated for Community type phases


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