
New Features

Cross-Project Repetitions

    • TM analysis now supports finding repetitions across all documents (or group of documents) within a project
    • A new repetitions view of the analysis report shows you how closely repeated segments match your TM
    • The analysis report also includes a new option for downloading a text file of the segment repetitions within your project
    • The file can then be uploaded as a new document to be assigned out for translation, thus creating new TM that can be leveraged to pre-fill all of your project's repetitions before the translation process begins in earnest
    • Analysis and pre-fill reports have also been newly designed to improve readability
    • You can quickly filter a project analysis report to see the details for a specific document
    • TM analysis has also been completely overhauled to improve performance

Task List Improvements

    • A new "Details" view has been added to the task list that makes it easier to identify the most relevant information with regard to your assignments
    • The old view is now called the "List" view, and includes a new column for showing the number of unapplied format tags
    • Less commonly-used filters can now be hidden
    • Filters can more easily be reset back to their defaults
    • Click anywhere on the row to launch the Workbench
    • General improvements to UI and usability

Leaderboard Improvements

    • The Leaderboard now has its own dedicated area under the Leaderboard tab
    • Filter preferences are now sticky
    • New design makes the Leaderboard easier to use and understand
    • All users with statistics now display on the Leaderboard
    • General improvements to UI and usability

Dashboard Improvements

    • Newly-designed login screen
    • The global search bar has been significantly enhanced to include search results for workflows, TM vaults, glossaries, clients, teams and people, as well as projects and documents
    • The Home page has been reorganized into three sections—Tasks, Tools, and Leaderboard—to improve usability and appearance
    • Performance on the Downloads & Processes page has been greatly improved
    • TM unit details can now be viewed for each search result on the TM Units page
    • The 'Find & Replace' tool now informs you of when there are no tasks assigned to you that are available for finding and replacing text

Workbench Improvements

    • Progress is now updated with each segment save
    • Historical phases can no longer be modified
    • The workbench no longer displays translations that have been submitted in a phase subsequent to the one currently being viewed
    • The 'Save and Next' button now seqeuntially navigates segments once the phase reaches a progress of 100%
    • Upon reaching the end of a document, the 'Save and Next' button now loops back to the beginning of the document

Project Manager Improvements

    • The 'pre-fill TM' process can now be ran as an on-demand action
    • A new 'copy translations' action has been added for quickly copying translations from one workflow phase to another
    • A new option on the 'pre-fill TM' process allows for pre-filling with the most recently modified translation in cases where there are multiple exact matches
    • TM can now be uploaded using an Excel or CSV file; when doing so, classification labels can be added using the third column
    • A default source language no longer needs to be defined as part of a workflow template
    • Clicking on the Documents tab of the Project Summary page refreshes the screen
    • The Documents tab of the Project Summary page now has a filter on document name
    • Projects can be marked complete from the Project Summary page
    • Additional project meta (number of documents, created date, total word count, and unapplied format tags) has been added to the Project Summary page

Community Administrator Improvements

    • Admins now see results for all resources within the community (rather than just their own) when searching via the global search bar
    • The New Workbench is now the default for new communities
    • Users with either the project manager and/or an admin role no longer need to add a language pair to their profile when going through the new user wizard 

Platform Improvements

    • Auto-formatting has been greatly enhanced to reduce the number of tags which must be manually placed
    • TM leveraging has been perfected to ensure that the best translations are always used

New APIs

  • TBA

Bug Fixes

  • The default home page will now display Categories automatically if they are enabled
  • Rules can now be added to the Worfklow Completion step of a workflow
  • Project Status page will no longer error out
  • TM Units will now be created correctly and override previous translations for the corresponding unit
  • Project Settings will now save when a Target or Source and Target are removed from a workflow
  • Segments containing text such as <hostname><IPv4 address> can now be saved successfully
  • Resolved a variety of bugs related to .docx files coming out of Lingotek as a corrupted file
  • Fixed an issue where XLIFF files were not being downloaded with the correct XML structure
  • Problems with document progress not being updated on a document update
  • Removed "undefined" from the remove assignment language option
  • Resolved issues with the "Select All' checkbox not working correctly
  • Resolved some issues with XLIFF document uploads
  • UUID should no longer come into translated document in place of translated text
  • Leaderboard pagination has been fixed


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