

TMS Enhancements

  • Extend TM Vault ownership to a PM team or all PMs in the community

    • As a TM vault owner, you can now share a vault with Teams and the Community. This will share vault ownership with PM users on those teams or all PM users within the Community.

  • Improved workflow navigation and user interface

    • We’ve improved the user interface when viewing the workflows list, making it easier to see the details and navigate through the list of workflows.

  • New system alert capabilities in TMS, Workbench, and Document Viewer

    • We’ve added new alerting functionality throughout TMS, Workbench, and Document Viewer. When a user performs actions within TMS, they will see an alert with a success or failure message. It also allows us to communicate system maintenance with users.

  • Select-all documents using "Last Uploaded" date

    • Last release we introduced the select-all feature for bulk selecting documents within a project. We've added a new option that allows users to select-all new or updated documents by date uploaded. This is especially useful for assigning tasks and analyzing new or updated documents.

  • Project list performance improvements

    • We've made significant performance improvements to the Projects list on the Dashboard. Your list of projects now loads incredibly fast, regardless of the number of projects in your community. As part of the refactor, the Unapplied Format Tags column has been hidden by default. However, if you’d like to display that column, simply click the “Show Unapplied Format Tags” checkbox.

Workbench Enhancements

  • Glossary Management

    • If a glossary is added as a resource on a project, terminology hits will be displayed in the Workbench. You now also have the option to allow linguists to manage glossary entries; including the ability to add, edit, and/or delete glossary entries and translations from within the Workbench.

  • Tasks Tab

    • A new sidebar tab displays the tasks that the user has been assigned, across all projects. This allows you to launch the New Workbench and navigate through tasks without ever leaving the Workbench.

  • Edit Source Segment

    • During a translate phase of a workflow, if the "Edit Source" setting is enabled by the project manager, translators can now edit the source segment in the "Original Text" panel of the Workbench.

  • Flag a TM unit in the Workbench

    • In the Workbench, you can now flag a TM unit that is incorrect or inappropriate. When a TM unit is flagged 3 times, the system will delete the TM unit.

  • Workbench sidebar view now a "sticky" preference

    • If you choose to have the sidebar open in the Workbench, that preference is now “sticky” and it will load with the sidebar open the next time you launch the Workbench.

  • Documents automatically reindexed when opened in the Workbench

    • When documents are opened in the Workbench, they are now automatically re-indexed, ensuring the documents progress is accurately reflected throughout TMS.

  • Removal of the Classic Workbench

    • Over the past 3 years, we've maintained both the Classic and the New Workbench. With the addition of the above features, the New Workbench now replaces all functionality in the Classic Workbench. We're finally saying goodbye to the Classic Workbench. For training materials on the New Workbench, see the Product Documentation on our Support Center.

API Version Support

  • In conjunction with this release, support for version 3 of the Lingotek API is ending. Version 4 of the API will continue to be supported, but the following version 4 calls have also been removed:

    • addCommunityDictionaryEntry

    • addPhaseTemplate

    • addPhaseToTemplate

    • addSegmentLabelTemplate

    • addSegmentLabelToTemplate

    • applyPhaseTemplate

    • applySegmentLabelTemplate

    • deleteCommunityDictionaryEntry

    • editPhaseTemplate

    • editSegmentLabelTemplate

    • getCommunityDictionary

    • getPhaseTemplate

    • getSegmentLabelTemplate

    • importCommunityDictionary

    • listDefaultPhaseTemplates

    • listPhaseTemplates

    • listSegmentLabelTemplates

    • removePhaseFromTemplate

    • removePhaseTemplate

    • removeSegmentLabelFromTemplate

    • removeSegmentLabelTemplate

    • saveLabelTemplate



  • The Original Text panel and the Context Viewer now correctly handle text wrapping in Firefox

  • Document display name is now correctly retained when the document is updated

  • The default secondary FPRM is now being used in place of the custom FPRM on document update

  • Clicking login no longer intermittently produces errors on the login page

  • The Forgot Password link now works correctly on the authorization login page

  • Column labels are now consistently sized when viewing TM Statistics

  • The label is now displayed on the voting threshold field

  • When a task is checked-out, it now displays correctly on the linguists task list

  • A pre-filled segment is now correctly retained during MT

  • Uploading a CSV file to a glossary now completes without errors

  • Images and styling now load correctly in Marketplace search results

  • Loading indicators appear when performing actions on large sets of documents

  • You can now apply format tags in the Workbench for a checked-out phase assigned to the Community

  • The Project Status report now downloads correctly with all documents

  • When a locked exact match is unlocked and edited, it's now saving to TM

  • Document % complete is now being updated when segments are saved in later phases, before the earlier phase is complete

  • Zip files are now exporting correctly


  • PATCH document now correctly handles the original file name

  • LINK and UNLINK now correctly returns a 404 if the requested vault is not found

  • GET locale by code for arabic standard no longer requires a hyphen

  • The extra space in locale not found message has been removed

  • is_public no longer required for POST vault

  • GET document/id/content no longer returns 500 error if locale_code is not passed


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