Laura White (Unlicensed)
New Features
A More Simplified and Polished User Interface
Over the past several releases, and continuing throughout 2014, we are making efforts to clean-up and simplify the Lingotek TMS user interface. You’ll notice changes (described in detail below) like bringing the Projects list to the Dashboard for PMs, a streamlined Manage Assignments experience, an improve UI for managing contacts, more intuitive task-types, and the Condensed Analysis Report.
Stay tuned as we continue to improve our world-class TMS.
TM Vault Enhancements
Vault Sharing
You can now share the TM vault ownership with multiple users, providing them with the same permissions as the original vault owner/creator (i.e. Add/Remove Owners, edit vault settings, etc). Sharing vault ownership also allows the co-owners to search the TM vault using the TM Units page. Vault owners are now able to manage all TM uploaded to the vault, including TM uploaded by shared users.
Enable/Disable Public Vaults
We’ve added a Community Setting for displaying or hiding public vaults for all users within the Community.
When disabled, Public vaults will not be shown as an option when searching for or saving to a TM vault. This is the default setting for new communities.
Improved xliff export of Translation Memory (TM)
We’ve added additional meta data to the xliff file when exporting TM (or downloading a document) as xliff:
Optional Locale for TM Pre-Fill and Analysis
When pre-filling or analyzing TM, users now have the ability to select whether they want to require Locale or not. Choosing not to require locale will pre-fill using all TM for that specific language.
e.g. If my target is ‘Spanish - Spain’ and I chose to NOT require locale, then all Spanish-based TM within the selected vault(s) would be used for Pre-fill (Analysis), rather than pre-filling with (matching on) only the Spanish - Spain TM.
Project Callback URL
We’ve added the ability for users and integrations to add a callback URL to a project. This allows users to set up workflow rules and conditions that, when completed, will notify third-party applications.
This allows for flexible, automated progress reporting and notifications (e.g. workflow completion, project completion, etc.) within an integration or third-party tool. Rather than the external application needing to check status periodically, TMS will notify the application when something has happened.
More Intuitive Task-Types
We’ve modified the task-types within TMS to make them more intuitive and descriptive of how the task functions:
“Assigned” tasks can be assigned to one or more persons, teams or the entire community. The last-submitted revision is the ‘accepted’ translation, regardless of which assignee submitted it.
“Voting” tasks can likewise be worked on by a group of individuals, teams or the entire community. Translations are ‘accepted’ when they receive the required number of votes. Once accepted, the translation is locked from further editing.
All tasks, regardless of type, can now be assigned to the Community, teams, or individuals.
If the task is an “assigned” type, ‘task checkout’ can be optionally enabled. This allows an assignee to “checkout” the task, so that others cannot simultaneously work on it. Tasks are automatically checked back in after a certain period of inactivity.
If the task is a “voting” type, one or more Moderators can be assigned to monitor the voting. Translations on which a moderator takes action are automatically accepted regardless of vote count.
Condensed Analysis Report
For Project Managers, the Detailed Analysis Report within the Lingotek TMS is full of valuable information on TM, Segments, Words, Tags, and Repetitions within documents in the project.
However, not all of the information in the report is pertinent for sharing with translators, so we’ve created a condensed version of the report that shows words and tags to apply, and the percentage match within a document.
PMs can share this condensed report with assignees or export to Excel or CSV.
Manage Assignments Enhancements
We’ve made dramatic improvements to how assignments are made within TMS and combined the numerous ways to make assignments into a single, unified user experience. Whether you’re assigning a single task, bulk assigning, pre-assigning tasks through a workflow, or removing assignments, you’ll have the same experience no matter where you are at within TMS.
Within this single view, you can now assign (or remove assignees) individuals, teams, and/or the entire community
Assigning the Community is great for voting tasks
For a visual queue of the type of assignee, you’ll notice that Individuals are blue, Teams are purple, and the Community is green.
Additional File-Type Support
We've added the ability to import and export new file-types within TMS, including:
Dita, Ditamap, Table, Media Wiki, JSON, TS, HTML5, Doxygen, Rails Yaml, Plaintext, DTD, Resx, and SRT.
This means we now support the round-tripping of translations for nearly 40 different file-types. Click here for the full list.
- Phase Summaries
- The "Assignment" column on the Targets tab has been replaced with a "Resources" column that shows the most pertinent information about the phase:
- Machine Translation phases show the MT engine and whether or not there were any errors
- Pre-fill TM phases show the percentage of segments that were pre-filled
- Assigned phases (Translate, Review or Custom) show who is assigned to the phase; or who has checked-out the phase is "task checkout" has been enabled
- Voting phases (Translate or Review) show who is in the voting pool
- Clicking on the summary shows additional, context-specific information about the phase
- Additional Features
- The Projects list is now conveniently located on the home page for project managers
- The user experience has been greatly improved for managing contacts
Workbench Features
New Workbench In-Context Review
We've added a new feature for Lingotek Inside CMS integrations, allowing them to display source and target CMS pages within the New Workbench. Enabling this feature provides translators with a near instantaneous in-context review. This feature is immediately available for Lingotek Inside Drupal, with other Lingotek Inside integrations to follow.
New APIs
We’ve added a `url` parameter to the API calls listed below, which allows integrations to include the source document URL:
API Calls
We’ve added a new `callbackUrl` parameter to the API calls listed below, which allows integrations to set an endpoint that Lingotek will “callback” to when the event is triggered:
API Calls
Bug Fixes
- Task assignees whose user profiles do not include a display name are now identified by either their email address or login ID
Corrected an issue where Chinese didn’t pre-fill properly
Approved MT translations are now accurately being saved to TM
XLIFF importer is now importing bpt tags correctly
Progress bars now update after the completion of an MT or Pre-fill phase
XML using UTF-8 with BOM, and an FPRM filter now upload without errors
Hovering over the flag icon in the Task List now shows a language-pair tooltip
Global Find & Replace is now replacing text correctly
In the Context Viewer in the New Workbench, text is now wrapping to the next line correctly, when you are displaying inline tags and attributes
Selecting subsets of documents no longer throws an error when adding tags
Http links in Workbench now open in a new window
Arabic Standard is now supported in the New Workbench and the new Doc Viewer
Public API v4 : addProject is now applying all settings from workflow when workflowId is passed
When Pre-Fill completes, and a document is 100% pre-filled with exact matches, progress is now auto-advanced to 100% complete for each subsequent phase in which the segment locks have been propagated
Google Spell Check is now working correctly in the New Workbench
In Firefox, the Concordance search in the New Workbench now works correctly when highlighting the source and right-clicking to perform a concordance search
When creating a New Vault, the popup now closes after clicking Save
The Remove Target bulk action now shows both language and locale
Downloads of original XLIFF German files are now valid XML
Updated links to the Microsoft Translator settings documentation
A Source link now shows for Translators in the New Workbench
Format tags are now being added correctly on the Target when uploading XLIFF
Fixed an intermittent issue causing some MS Word (.docx) downloads to fail
Segments that are near exact matches (e.g. everything but a space) within the same document are now showing as matches in New Workbench
Improved clarity of the helper text on the TM Vault settings page
Resolved an intermittent file import failure when uploading files from Drupal
Resolved an intermittent issue where Pre-fill processes were not starting
Phase assignments are no longer overwritten by automated processes
Formatting is no longer being stripped out on download of certain file-types
Resolved an issue where the total of Unapplied Format Tags was incorrect
Doc Viewer now auto-loads the phase currently loaded in Workbench
Resolved an issue preventing New Integrations from being created in TMS
Resolved an issue for certain users where TM Vaults would not load
Resolved an issue where TM Matching wasn’t showing for a high quality match
Duplicate login IDs were sometimes being created during signup or inviting users
The shared workflow warning message now displays correctly for vaults and glossaries
Swedish special characters are now displaying correctly
Some users were unable to use Find & Replace. This has been resolved.
Adding a target now correctly adds the phases used in the workflow
When uploading JPG images for avatars and logos, the correct coloring is now retained